7. Zenitsu Agatsuma

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I disappear for a few days and I see that this book is almost at 1k HAHHA OK THANK YOU

This was on hold for a long time lol


-Zenitsu will most likely fall in love with you after sitting with you in silence or just listening to you speak.

-He thinks that the sound you make is a very unique one that makes him feel like he wants to listen to it until the day ends.

-Yes, he cries a lot, but he would definitely try to be the strong one when you're crying or when you're afraid.

-He will try to protect you

-After repeatedly crying to you and asking for you to protect him.

-Has definitely repeatedly asked you to marry him.

-You end up saying yes after how many attempts, and begin to date him ever since.

-Will not waste a second without reminding you of how much he loves you, or how beautiful you are, or how he doesn't want to lose you.

-You become his inspiration to become one of the strongest slayers in the corps.

-If you're a slayer as well, he'll probably ask you for help a lot more often than he ends up helping you..

-Will t r y to train with you.. But if you manage to rile him up, he'll definitely train until he gets everything perfectly.

-Bonus points if you're female.

-If male, he'll still love you.. After questioning his sexuality first.

-In modern times, he will constantly text you. He's like those people who will bump the chat every 0.005 seconds.

-His good morning and good night texts are hyper and sweet. You could swear that you hear his voice when you read his messages.

-Will definitely want to be on call with you a lot because hearing your sweet voice makes him so happy.

-Will frequently ask how you're doing, send you memes, send you pictures of himself or if his friends, send you literally anything just to make sure you're still there;;

-Clingy baby, please take care of him.

-Definitely a deredere

-Will hype you in whatever outfit you're in.

-Still thinks you're the most beautiful person he's met, whether you've just woken up or you're wearing the best clothes you have.

-Dates with him consist of fun things, like amusement parks, movies and food.

-expect shrieking though since everything scares him lololol

-If you sing, he will ask you to sing ALL THE TIME.

-If he's afraid before going to sleep, sing him a lullaby while cuddling him. He'll fall asleep with good dreams.

-Please cuddle him or kiss him.

-When you do, expect him to get all red, warm and fidgety.


Zenitsu is baby :(( bless this bby

Next up: Shinobu, then Mitsuri!

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