◀twenty one▶

752 43 32

「really, i loved you, that's how much harder it is」

「4 months later

"are you positively sure about this jimin?" jungkook asks as he helped the omega pack up some of his stuff as well as valuables "you're helping me pack, aren't you?" jimin remarks playfully as he filled another luggage full of beomgyu's stuff "well, i'm just doing it so you'd avoid heavy loads." the alpha says, scratching the back of his neck 

"besides, the kids and i could use some privacy." he sighs, remembering all of the struggle they went through when people had started to show up at their house "at least stay until beomgyu's birthday." jungkook tries to reason out, wanting to spend more time with them but at the same time he didn't want to see jimin be the brunt of all the negativity 

"it's for the best kook, you don't have to worry about me." jimin assures him but his eyes lingered on a framed photo of him and namjoon with a newborn beomgyu "gosh, i would do everything to turn back time." jimin whispers biting his bottom lip, hesitant to let tears out "kook, where did i lack?" jimin asks but it wasn't audible enough for the alpha to hear and he settles the frame back into its place 

"do you think he's happy?" the omega asks "i think so, i think he's happy that you didn't come through with the divorce." jungkook wraps an arm around his shoulders, even though jungkook was adamant about jimin just divorcing him, he knew how greatly the omega loved him but it wasn't enough. 

jimin told namjoon he'll think it over after chanmi is born as the omega didn't want to deal with anything that could potentially stress him out.

yoongi hugs jimin tightly "make sure to call me when you get there, i don't know how i'm gonna live without you." yoongi whines, peppering jimin's cheeks with kisses as he lets go "i'm just moving an hour away, not across the country." jimin teases but yoongi stomps his feet "an hour too far!" jimin just giggles and yoongi crouches down to beomgyu 

"take care of your mommy for me, okay?" the pup nods his head before getting carried by jungkook "and don't be such a bad boy!" he playfully scolds, bouncing him on his hip

"i won't." the pup answers in a hushed tone, he had grown exponentially anxious from what he has seen his mommy go through

"wonho hyung, take care of them. i trust you." jungkook pats the alpha's back before beomgyu clambered into his arms 

"i will, don't worry. come on champ, let's get you in the car." wonho rubs beomgyu's back soothingly, leaving jimin to chat a little bit more with his friends 

"i'll come by the store every wednesday and friday and i trust you on all the other days, gotta look out for chanmi and all and you better take care of little jeongin in there."

jimin instructs yoongi, his best friend had let him pick out his first pup's name, it made jimin wail like a baby but nonetheless he thought of a name for him.

・゚゚・*。: *゚ *: ✼ ✿ ✿ ✼ : *゚*:。*・゚゚・ 

the omega lets out a sigh of relief when he finally puts down beomgyu for the night "is he okay?" wonho asks, putting away the cleaned dishes "he's.. he's getting there." wonho shows him a sympathetic smile 

"he'll be okay min, you're not gonna be alone." the alpha assures kissing the crown of his head "thank you, you've already done so much for us." jimin mutters, looking down at the floor but wonho lifts his chin up

"you don't have to thank me min, i just wanna be there for you." jimin's eyes well up with tears before he engulfed the alpha into a hug 

"i'm a useless excuse for-" "jimin, no, don't say anything bad about yourself. you are by far the most flawless people i know." wonho tries to calm down the omega, pulling him on to the couch 

"you're gonna be okay, i promise." wonho caresses his shoulders as a mean to calm him down from even crying even harder, that night the pair had fallen asleep on the couch, jimin had fell asleep on top of wonho, it was quite uncomfortable but jimin felt safe for the first time in months.

jimin had thought about moving back to busan, closer to his family and away from the prying eyes of the media as well as people who knew him, hell he though about moving to the countryside for the sake of his kids.

however, wonho had told him that he wanted to help him out, as it isn't safe for a pregnant omega to be alone, jimin spouted out countless "thank you's" that night, he was thankful that his friend was willing to take him and his children in.

he's had sleepless nights as the months progressed, ever since some of the more extreme fans had found his private accounts, he was just getting tons of hateful and threatening messages that resulted to him deleting every social media he has, also for the sake of not having to see the news as to where namjoon and seokjin's relationship is going, jimin knew that he can technically sue his husband of adultery yet the mass media let it slide, calling them the year's it couple.

fans had vandalized his house, the place he called his home, he feared for his life as well as his children's, he had once come home from the grocery store with beomgyu and wonho and his house had the word "slut" spray-painted on their front door as well as photos of him and wonho doing harmless things

they had the decency to blur the alpha's face though as jimin didn't want it to affect him, even though jimin didn't want to press charges on this, wonho and hyonjong did, giving jimin a lecture that what had been happening is unforgivable and jimin should stop having the leniency to just let it go. the culprits were eventually caught but that act alone didn't give jimin any peace.

but what pushed jimin to the brink was when some teenagers had picked on beomgyu while he was waiting for jimin to pick him up from dance class, luckily momo was there to stop the commotion and shield beomgyu from the hateful speeches they were telling him, it had left a mark on the pup that he asked to be pulled out of the class, jimin complies when he saw the fear in the pup's eyes as he told him what they had said

jimin felt rage bubble up inside of him when he found out that they had told him that he was nothing more than a mistake and is the only reason why his parents stayed together and beomgyu wasn't a stupid child, he understood when they were saying, jimin had reported the teenagers to the head of the school which got them kicked out 

even with those people out of the school, beomgyu still didn't want to go back, so jimin assured him that after chanmi is born, he will be the one to teach beomgyu, he didn't want his pup's dreams to be crushed because of some mindless teenagers

wonho knew it was the first time in months that jimin slept soundly, the omega had been nuzzling his face on to his chest and he looked comfortable but wonho didn't want him to feel any body pain in the morning so he maneuvered his way into carrying the omega into the bedroom, the apartment was his family's home, but his younger brother had married, finally leaving the nest and his parents had convinced wonho to move back in as they wanted to move out of the bustling city.

"don't go." he hears jimin whimper as soon as his body hit the soft mattress "i'll be right next door, min, just give me a shout if you need anything, okay?" wonho tucks him in bed as jimin hums "goodnight." jimin mumbles softly before falling asleep again.

through the months of seeing jimin conflicted, he didn't want to take advantage of the vulnerable omega, wonho had thought about dropping his little crush on the omega as all he needed as of now is a supportive friend and wonho can see how much jimin still yearns for namjoon but it was okay with him, he didn't need to be his significant other to be supportive, he can just be jimin's friend or best friend but yoongi would kill him if he took that title.

[a/n: how 'bout that? i'm giving wonho some second thoughts about courting jimin cause some of y'all still want me to save minjoon. anyway, would you guys be interested if i wrote some sort of prequel for this story, just about how namjoon and jimin got together and up until they have beomgyu? i actually have thought a title for it "when you love someone" because i'm day6 trash lmao. let me know if you would be interested to read that hehe]

i loved you ▶ minjoon #WATTYS2019Where stories live. Discover now