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「really i loved you」

"i should be heading to work, new arrivals are coming so yoongi and wheein will need help with it." jimin said as he looked at his watch, namjoon and beomgyu were still eating their breakfast "you two, be careful for you activities today, okay? i love you so much." jimin pecked namjoon's lips causing beomgyu to cover his eyes while jimin chuckled 

"and you, be a good boy and don't give daddy any headaches, i love you." jimin peppered his son's chubby cheeks with kisses while the little one laughed "i'll see you soon and i'll most likely sleep over at yoon's or make him come over!" and with that jimin walked out of their home, content as beomgyu will be spending more time with namjoon.

"what would you like to wear?" namjoon asked, kneeling down in front of beomgyu as the child sat on the bed, wrapped in his bathrobe and hair still somewhat dripping wet "like daddy!" beomgyu cheered and it made namjoon's heart melt, they were going on a company outing, having rented a compound up in the mountains, just to get some fresh air and jimin opted to stay behind so namjoon can bond more with beomgyu 

"okay buddy, can you get dressed? daddy has to go check up on some of our stuff." beomgyu nodded as namjoon left his bedroom to make a phone call as well as to bring their stuff into the car.

the pup was strapped into his car seat with his parrot plushie in hand as he looked up at all the buildings they passed by "bubs, we're gonna pick up someone special today and be on your best behavior." beomgyu nodded 

"am always a good boy daddy!" he piped up with a smile making namjoon chuckle and grabbed a snack for him to keep him more occupied for the long drive.

"hey pup, hey joonie." seokjin climbed into the passenger's seat of namjoon's car "hey babe." namjoon greeted "excited?" seokjin nodded as it was one of his first times to actually spend time with his company's team, as well as other artists under the label "is that little beomie?" seokjin cooed at the pup in the backseat 

"daddy who this?" the little one asks, craning his neck to try to look at his dad "this is your jinie hyung, beomie. he'll be spending time with us later."

"uncle honey!" beomgyu cheered as soon as he saw jooheon in the compound "hi little one!" the producer squatted down to catch the running boy in his arms "miss uncle honey." beomgyu mumbles as he kissed his cheek "are you hungry little one?" he asked "yes!" beomgyu rubbed his tummy making jooheon coo and pepper him with kisses making beomgyu laugh out loud "okay, let's go see if changkyunnie has made food for us."

・゚゚・*。: *゚ *: ✼ ✿ ✿ ✼ : *゚*:。*・゚゚・ 

"joon, come on." seokjin gasps breathlessly as the alpha pushes him on to the wall of his room, namjoon growls as he peppered the omega's neck with more kisses "that's it, come on." seokjin's eyes droops close as namjoon picks him up and puts him on to the bed 

"we're gonna get caught if you're being loud baby." namjoon teases as his hands make their way underneath seokjin's shirt "oh we wouldn't want that." the omega snakes his hand behind namjoon's neck to pull him down for a kiss, biting his lip in the process "ah baby, you te-" 

"daddy?" namjoon freezes as his eyes trailed to the door where beomgyu was standing with wide eyes "daddy what are you doing?" beomgyu questions as his eyes shifted between his father and seokjin. 

the pup was clearly confused because his dad smelled like a different omega, he didn't smell like his mommy anymore, tears started to well in his eyes at the confusion and the suddenness that he wants his mommy with him, he felt unsafe that he couldn't sense jimin's scent 

"i-i want m-mommy." he stuttered, voice watery as the tears starts to build up "hey hey, it's okay bub." namjoon clambered off the bed and on to his distressed son "daddy's here, little one." he pulls beomgyu into a comforting hug, shushing him, feeling his shirt getting wet from the tears that finally fell 

"jinie, can you get his blanket from his bag, the fluffy yellow one." the omega got on to his feet to retrieve the blanket but upon seeing someone other than his parent hold it made beomgyu lash out and break out of his dad's hold 

"that's mine! mine! mine!" he pulls it from seokjin's hands and stuck his tongue out as he stomped out of the room "kim beomgyu!" namjoon scolded making the pup stop his tracks and whine "that was uncalled behavior young man, apologize to your hyung." it seemed as if a growl was forming in the back of the kid's throat 

"no!" he spits, seokjin holds namjoon's shoulder "it's okay, let him be." he says calmly while namjoon closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose 

"baby, i'll let you off the hook for your behavior if you promise me that you won't tell anyone, especially mommy about what you saw." beomgyu avoided his father's gaze as a pout painted his lips "let him go, joon." seokjin urges taking the pup by the hand and leading him outside the room and kneeling down to level with beomgyu's height "go and play, little one." seokjin says softly giving beomgyu a little push as well as a smile 

"go on, i'll talk to your daddy." seokjin can't hide the fact that he had a soft spot for children and he didn't want beomgyu to further push namjoon away "no more tears, go ask your yeri noona for some ice cream and tell her that i say so, okay?" he nods but still looking down on to the floor "hyung is sorry for touching your blanket." seokjin apologizes 

"gyu, best keep what happened to ourselves, okay?" seokjin reminds the 5 year old who nods again "good boy, go on, you can go play with your soobin hyung as well, he might be here now, your daddy will tuck you in for bedtime, okay?" and with that the pup was off running.

soobin was walking along the compound, eyes wide as he searches for the younger pup, he arrived not long ago with his mommy, jung dawon, esteemed head stylist for the team as well as a fashion designer. he was so excited to show his friend his new game but he can't seem to find him that is until he sees the pup in the backyard, on one of the lawn chairs sniffling with his blanket wrapped around his body

"beomie, hyung was looking all over for you!" soobin says dramatically as he held his nintendo switch in his hand as a mean of playing with his younger friend "you okay beomie?" soobin asks because he noticed that his friend's eyes were red, cheeks all red and stained with tears, soobin knew he was in distress 

"who hurt you? i'll make them pay!" the 6 year old rages and clenched his fists "'m okay hyung, just miss mommy." he lies as he thought of what his jin hyung said "oh okay, we can-" "boys! dinner!" dawon calls out "hear that beomie! let's go!" soobin eagerly says and didn't even give beomgyu the time to get off the lawn chair as he picks the smaller boy up, taking advantage of his height as well as his strength, coming from both alpha parents with a alpha bloodline, it wasn't a shock that his traits were already showing at a young age 

"hyungie!" beomgyu yelps as he clings to his hyung "piggy back?" beomgyu asks since it was more comfortable that way "yes!" soobin drops him momentarily and bends his knees and he huffed when beomgyu jumped on to his back and the two boys went back inside the warm house.

beomgyu didn't look at his father for the whole period of dinner time, he sat with his soobin hyung  far away from namjoon as possible, he was still processing what he saw.

even though he usually gets help with washing up and getting dressed for bed, he avoided his dad and did it himself right after dinner claiming that he's a big boy now and can do it himself, well, under the supervision of his yeri noona just to make sure he won't slip or something.

he went inside the bedroom which he was gonna share with soobin, namjoon had come in just as soobin fell asleep giving him the time to talk to beomgyu who was restless "bubs?" namjoon lays a hand on his shoulder but he doesn't budge  

"bubs, i know daddy was a bit hard on you earlier but i'm sorry, daddy will make it up to you." beomgyu finally squirms and rolls over to the other side to look at his dad who held a sad smile "daddy is sorry, okay? how about we go to the lake tomorrow and take a swim, you've always wanted to learn, right?" he nods 

"then we'll go do that, don't be sad with daddy, sweet dreams my moon, i love you." namjoon kisses his forehead and tucks him in for the night. 

it's sad to think that a five year old witnessed his own father pining over a different person. it was something that he should not be thinking about.

i loved you ▶ minjoon #WATTYS2019Where stories live. Discover now