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「that's why i want to forget you」

jimin had beomgyu's hand in his as they walked into the old dance studio he used to be a student in "you nervous bub?" beomgyu shook his head with a smile on his face, he had been feeling excited about going to a school for dance that it made jimin feel at ease that it lessened his clinginess "i'm gonna meet new friends there." he rocked on his heels as they waited for someone to assist them behind the reception desk 

"hey you!" momo piped as she recognized jimin, jimin immediately broke into laughter as he approached his former classmate "i haven't seen you in a while!" momo hugged him tightly "i've been busy." jimin answers turning to beomgyu "oh gosh, he's gotten so big now." momo stuck her hand out and beomgyu held onto it "i'm kim beomgyu." he replied "i know, i'm your momo noona and i'm glad to have you here." she praised making beomgyu nod, feeling some relief as her calming scent filled his nose, insinuating that he can trust her 

"how about we take him to the kids' classroom so he can get a gist of the classes, as well as let him mingle with them." jimin nods taking beomgyu's hand again and they walked down the halls that had countless of photos of students "mommy that's you!" beomgyu pointed at one of the photos "yes bub, that's me." jimin confirms as he looks at the photo 

"that was one of your best performances min, you were practically blind." momo comments and jimin nodded "yeah, i had to be lead to the stage because all i can see behind the blindfold was lights, i didn't know how i pulled it off though." jimin said, his voice turned into a whisper as they got back to walking "wanna know something about that performance?" 

"what?" momo asked, feeling intrigued "beomgyu was a month and a half in but i didn't know." momo's eyes widen "holy smokes, you truly are something, jimin." 

"class! someone new is here to join us for today, so i expect all of you to make him feel welcomed and take care of him, okay?" momo clapped her hands to get the attention of the students 

"this is kim beomgyu, he's a little shy but he would want to be friends with all of you, take good care of him, okay? jihyo will come in any moment now." and with that jimin gave beomgyu a thumbs up as the pup approached the other kids his age and some a little older.

as the class started, momo took jimin into the dressing room that they once shared, being the top male and female students, they got that privilege of having their room where it's only them, free from the chaotic rooms that usually holds around 10 dancers

"would you like something to drink or eat? i think i still have that bottle of wine you got me for my birthday." momo wiggled her brows but jimin refused "you never refuse alco- oh, oh!" momo's eyes widen as they trail down his body 

"how do you know so easily?" jimin scrunched his nose "you live for wine, dionysus." she teased, using his old nickname "i like any type of alcohol but now i can't since another pup is coming." jimin says fondly while momo takes out a bunch of snacks as well as a bottle of fruit juice "namjoon must be very happy." she comments 

"i might have not told him yet." jimin says with a sly smirk, taking a bite of a muffin "has he not noticed? how far along are you?" she bombards him with questions, full of excitement 

"i'm 2 and a half months and namjoon, well, he hasn't been- i haven't really got the time to talk to him." jimin ponders coming to the realization that the only time he sees namjoon is during breakfast "what do you mean by that?" she leans forward, making it known to jimin that she's listening 

"well, ever since that singer, kim seokjin signed under his company, he's been busier than usual, i can barely stay up at night to wait for him, it gives me uneasiness everytime i wake up and can smell the faint scent of the omega but i don't want to comment since i don't want him to think that i don't trust him and have a dirty mind since yoongi as well as my neighbor, hyojong, has stated his opinion about what seokjin is like but i'm having an open mind as i don't want to jump into conclusion and judge him." his voice was shaky, it was the first time he had opened up to someone about how he felt

i loved you ▶ minjoon #WATTYS2019Where stories live. Discover now