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"Don't go."

Will flinched at the first words he had heard from Kate in days. He gave a dirty look to Matthew who innocently held up his Before the Dark book.

"Don't go where?" Will asked, striving to sound calm. "Matthew's Midnight Party? What's wrong with that?"

"It's not my party," Matthew put in.

"Don't go after Shin," Kate said firmly. "And don't go to Matthew's party."

Matthew sighed in exasperation. "It's not my party and what's wrong with my party?"

"What's wrong with your party? Aside from the fact that you're letting that professor wrap you around his finger when he's never going to leave his wife?" Kate asked sharply. "Will shouldn't be whoring himself out to a bored wealthy woman for his mad plan."

Will picked up his black tie—the only one that Kate didn't give him. "Thank you for your respectful insight," he said acidly. "I'll keep that in mind."

Kate let out a frustrated sigh. "You can't trust wealthy people to fund these sorts of things. All they have to do is say something to the wrong person and you're back in a cell. How do you even know if you can trust some random woman?"

"Because I know this woman," Will said. "I researched her name. She's discreet and has donated money to the paper."

"And Umbra," Kate shot back.

"And that makes her untrustworthy?" Will asked. "I gave money to Umbra in the past!"

"And you don't have the best judgment." Kate rubbed her head. "Will, we are still tied together. If you go down, I could go down."

"So, am I just supposed to wait until we can get a divorce?" Will struggled with his tie. "In case you've forgotten, according to the Eternal, marriage is sacred and... well, eternal. They don't even allow widowed spouses to marry for a while. Divorce is only granted under special circumstances. And it's quite expensive."

"But it's not impossible... oh let me," Kate said crossly, reaching for his tie. "Can't you wait until I'm free?"

Her fingers brushed against him as she finished, and he fought the urge to lean in closer. He almost forgot her intoxicating scent. He wanted to run his hands on her soft skin and breathe in her sweet familiarity.

Instead, he stepped back. "You're free, Kate," he said flatly. "I will never tie you to anything. You are free to live a peaceful life. You are free to find love with someone else. You are free to deny me if I am ever captured again. I'll be the first one to say that you were pure, and I was led astray. But I am not going to wait for some legal technicality that might never happen."

Kate crossed her arms. "Do you really think it's that simple?"

"No. But it's the best that I can offer you."

She ran her hands through her short curls. "I'll never forgive you if I'm taken down with you. Never."

"I don't expect forgiveness."

She closed her eyes. "Fine. Go to Matthew's party. Chase after false light. But don't... don't go after Shin."

"How did you find out about that?" Will asked, aware that Aoi was scrupulous in her discretion.

"I say!" Matthew exclaimed, holding up his book. "This invisible man is quite a terrible fellow."

Will sighed and then pulled Kate aside. "Did Matthew tell you who gave me the information about Shin?"

"No," Kate said, and he breathed a sigh of relief. "Don't look at me that way, Will. I am not the enemy. I wouldn't spread that information around if I knew."

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