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"Mitsuko?" Will whispered.

He blinked, almost positive that his mind was playing tricks on him. But there she stood, like a ghost from his past.

The Light of the sanctuary made it easy to see her. She changed so much from the wan apprentice that he saved so many months ago.

It felt like years at this point.

She wore a smooth gray jacket and a skirt that came above her ankles. The former acolyte looked like one of the many professional women in Silver Paradise.

"My name is now Haurka." Then she gave a nervous smile. "At least for now. Once we leave this settlement, I suppose I'll have to change it again."

"We?" Will's leg hurt so much that all he wanted to do was fall down. "We're leaving?"

"As soon as we get to the train depot." Mitsuko gestured for him to follow. "I haven't an exciting escape planned like you did. No trash cart."

"Didn't like it much the first time," he muttered.

"Neither did I." She looked back at him in concern. "Are you sure you can walk?"

"I'll have to," he said.

They left the alley behind the sanctuary and began making their way down a paved road. The settlement must have been one of the more advanced ones, likely on its way to becoming an official city. If Will was more alert, he could have worked out his location. As it was, he could barely put one foot in front of the other.

The sky was so murky, only the light of the sanctuary pushed away the canopy of the Dark. There was no telling if it was day or night.

"How did you end up here?" Will asked.

It was a silly question—clearly Umbra relocated her—but he had to focus on something so that he didn't pass out.

"A certain group determined this was the safest place for me." Mitsuko shrugged. "A lady's maid isn't looked at much around here. No one knows the truth."

"They do," he said, gritting his teeth against the fiery pain in his legs. "You... showed up at the sanctuary. Sis... Sister Sadistic threatened me with you. Got me to stay..."

In the past, that would have petrified Mitsuko. Now a look of grim determination came over her face. "All the better that I leave this place as soon as possible."

Unfortunately, Will could barely move. If only the pain wasn't so unbearable. They passed a few people on the street, but most didn't pay any attention to them. An Eternal Guard escorting a young woman wasn't unusual.

But it would attract some attention if he fell on his face.

"You were burnt."

The words were so soft that Will could hardly hear them. It wasn't a question, but he nodded anyway.

"Badly, I imagine." The old look of nervousness came over Mitsuko's face. "I can't help you. Only a priest..."

"I'll be fine."

"I still have a few burns," she whispered. "Nothing that great. Sometimes... I pray. It can help..."

"No," Will said sharply.

"I understand you don't believe, but..."

"I'd rather die."

Mitsuko's face twisted, but she didn't say anything. The depot came closer into view. Will wanted to sprint, but his pace slowed down further.

"You still believe?" he asked, trying to distract himself.

"Yes," she said, again with her old timidness. "I'm sorry. I know you have good reasons to not believe..."

Everything Is Eternal (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now