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Will woke up to find himself in the infirmary. He was chained down. All except his left leg, that looked like it was being treated. The novice was beside him, the expressionless mask focused on him.

Will was starting to think life was the worst punishment of all. For years, he had a desperate fear of being trapped in one of those watery vessels, his last sight being the Eternal Light.

But at least he would have a last sight. Not just existing in this unlife, feeling only pain and seeing only dark.

They left him alone after his second escape attempt. He was chained again, although it was highly unnecessary. His left wrist was sprained, his nose was so busted that he would be fortunate if it wasn't broken, his right ankle hurt badly, but his right knee was worst of all. One of the guards had repeatedly brought down his club on it.

He had received limited treatment in the infirmary before being dumped back into his cell. Left to wallow in pain and fear. The partial treatment didn't do much good, with the guards manhandling him back to his cell. He had made fools of them twice, and they weren't forgiving.

Better to be alone. Pretend the walls were any sort of protection against the guards. Pretend that the walls were any sort of protection against the Eternal Light.

Will wished he could remember if he had actually given Shin's name up, but the Eternal Light was so confusing. And he hated how cold he felt without it.

Things couldn't possibly get worse.

That's what he told himself when he was a child and had no friends. That's what he told himself when he was sixteen and left home, struggling with jobs and money. Both times, he had actually been right. His lonely childhood had been saved by Kate. His struggles for independence were rewarded by worthwhile work, friendship with Shin, and marriage with Kate.

But he didn't see a way out of this one. Except for the thin hope that Shin was still... Shin. And even if that was true, what good would it do for Will? He had completely messed up his second chance at escape.

There was no hope of getting a third.

Pretending he had any safety in this place was quickly shattered when the door opened. Will flinched at any bit of light and resisted the urge to bury his face in his hands. They wouldn't break him.

His eyes needed a few moments to adjust to the light and the shape in the door. It wasn't a guard. It wasn't a priest. But Will wasn't sure if this was any better.

It was Shin.

"Well... you look good," Shin said sarcastically.

"I'm sure some of the guards look shitty today," Will said with bravado.

"Sure. You're a one-man army," Shin said sardonically. "Now... if I set this orb down... you're not going to smash me over the head with it, are you?"

Will held up his shackled hands. "You'd have to be slower than usual," he taunted.

"Says the man who fucked up two escape attempts," Shin said.

But he set the orb down and shut the door behind them. He approached Will and sat down next to him.

"They are making you out to be a monster, you know," Shin said. "That's likely why the guards are so friendly. They want Sister Celine to get rid of you. Two escape attempts... that's a rarity here."

"But not an impossibility," Will countered. "But I suppose you never read my piece about Dennis Mitchell."

"I did actually," Shin said. "Thought your piece raised more questions than it answered. Guess that's McIntyre's influence."

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