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Will didn't get another answer from the novice. Instead, he was brought to the Purification Chamber. Madeline was on her way out. Will didn't miss the somewhat vacant look in her eyes or the way she seemed to tense from the guard's presence.

Imprisonment had battered away his innate sense of justice. But between the taunting of forbidden knowledge and the unwanted knowledge of Madeline's suffering, the fire of righteous indignation coursed through him.

He was ready for a fight.

But Sister Celine also had a weapon. She was holding a book with a worn appearance. Will instantly recognized what she was doing.

He wasn't going to play her games.

"I know your plan now. You might as well stop playing," Will said, his voice rough and ragged as he defied her vow of silence. "I know you're trying to relight the world."

"Is that what you think you know?"

"I know you think you can bring the Light out of people. I know it was theorized it could happen a long time ago, and the Sacred State buried the idea. Is that why this is so secret? You're violating your own sacred laws!"

"Is that what you think I am doing?"

"What other reason could there be for all of this bullshit?" Will let out a frustrated laugh. "But I don't understand why you are doing it this way. Why not just ask people to volunteer? Why force them?"

"Tell me, lost one, why do you think most people cannot summon this Light?" Sister Celine asked, clasping her hands together and opening them to reveal the swirling golden Light.

"Well, it's not because of corruption..."

The priestess shook head. "I am not asking what you think it's not. What do you believe is the reason?"

The way she spoke was unsettling. Too close to the way Ginny McIntyre taught him to question things. "If the Eternal Light is an energy that all people can theoretically summon, it would seem some people are just have a stronger affinity for it."

"Then how would you think people without the affinity could summon it?"

Will frowned. "Being taught the same way that priests are taught. The teachings of the Light are a closely guarded mystery of the Sacred State."

"If one has an affinity, it simply means that the Light will cause them any great pain. Novices are trained to come into contact with the Light as much as possible so that their souls can handle its might."

There were stories of novices going missing. Will assumed that they had stumbled across secrets they weren't supposed to know or they had put up a fight against some of the immoral practices. Some theorized that they weren't able to handle the Light and ended up perishing.

"There are so many who can't handle the Light. It is best to start training them as soon as possible," Sister Celine said as the Light seemed to roll back and forth on her palms.

"Why don't you just train every child young?" Will asked.

"Because even some children cannot handle the might. The corruption has already settled into them. Do you think of me as someone who would risk a child's life that way when they still have a chance of salvation?"

He glared. "You certainly don't mind hurting people like Madeline."

"She is corrupted, as you are," Sister Celine said. "What happens to your bodies means nothing."

He let out a breath. "So you hurt us because we mean nothing?"

"On the contrary, you mean everything." She reached out her arms, and the Light seemed to grow brighter. "If your souls can find the Light, then anyone can."

Everything Is Eternal (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now