Part One

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"Until you comply, we will atempt to change your mind."  A man with a red hot branding iron came up to Natasha. He grabbed her arm, and started to press the hot iron against her flesh. At first, Natasha was able to hold her screams of pain in, but as the iron was pressing harder on to her arm, it was harder to hold her screams in.

Another man entered the room, this one holding a whip. The man with the branding iron took a step back, and the man with the whip ripped her shirt off and forced her to lean forward. He hit her back a few times, leaving blood to run down her back. 

"Are you ready to comply yet?" the bearded man who was giving the orders asked once again.

"Over my dead body!" Natasha yelled at him. She spit his face, there was some blood mixed in as well. 

"Although that can be arranged, we would much prefer an alive assassin, opposed to a corpse." The man smirked. " Prepare the knives, add them in with the iron." He said to the attendants


Steve, Clint, and Tony were eating breakfast in the dining room of the Avengers Tower. They had all trained together in the gym, and were eating cereal. Natasha typically joined them in the mornings, but they assumed that she was just sleeping in, or had gone on a mission. They thought the latter one was right. 

"I wonder where Nat's mission--" Clint started to say when he heard an ear bleeding scream. Clint looked at Tony and Steve, and they all said in unision:


Clint was the first to burst up form the table, while the other two quickly followed. They ran up the stairs, the elevator would take to long. When they got to the  residence floor, they took no time to get to Natasha's room. 

Steve knocked on the door, but all the boys could here was rustling sheets, and Natasha yelling  "I Comply, I comply!"

When Natasha let out another scream, Tony decided to burst down the door. 

They ran into the room, only to find Natasha whimpering, and tossing around in the sheets. Tony and Steve looked to Clint. Clint had dealt with this before, Natasha's nightmares, but they were never this bad. The Avengers had never seen the Black Widow cry, let alone scream. 

"Steve, Tony, I need you to restrain her arm." Clint pointed to the one arm that was cuffed to the bed. It was getting cut raw from the handcuff. Steve reached down, and held her arm down. Tony held her other arm. Clint ran to the bathroom to get a cold wash cloth.

He rubbed it across her face, and squeezed the water out over her eyes.

"Nat, you have to wake up." Clint said softly. When she didn't wake up, he shook her shoulders a bit. It still didn't work. Clint looked up at Steve. "Get a bucket of cold water!"

Steve ran to the bathroom, but the best he could find was a somewhat big cup. Steve turned on the tap and filled the cup. He rushed out of the bathroom. Steve handed the cup to Clint.

Clint took the cup, then looked to Steve and Tony. They were all looking down at Natasha, who at this point was shaking, still saying "I comply".  

"Hold her down." Clint said to the boys. "When she wakes up, she will be tense, scared, and agressive."

Clint held the water over Natasha's head, and slowly poured it over her face, careful so that she could still breathe. 

Natasha's eyes jolted open. They were big, and terrified. She didn't consider her surroundings, and tried to free herself from Steve's grip. Seeing that he wasn't expecting it, she succeeded. 

"Natasha!" Steve yelled. "It's us!"

"Calm down, please, it's just us." Tony said in a soothing voice

"We're right here." Clint said.

Natasha looked around at the three boys, and took in a deep breath. There were still tears falling from her face. Clint looked at her bedside table, and took the key to unlock her handcuff. 

"Steve could get the first aid kit?"  Clint asked.

Steve got up and got it from her desk, and handed it to Clint, who handed it to Tony, knowing that Tony was the best with medical tools out of all of them. 

Tony sat next to Natasha and grabbed her hand softly. There was blood pooling from all sides of her wrist. 

"If it's all right with you," Tony said to Natasha, "I'm going to take you to the medbay so we can properly stitch you up." Natasha merely nodded.


"Natasha," Clint said while Tony was stitching up her wrist, "You need to stop wearing those handcuffs to bed."

Natasha immediatly looked away.

"He's right, Nat, if this happens again, it will just get worse." Steve agreed with Clint. A silent tear fell down Natasha's cheek.

"You know that I can't" Natasha whispered.

Steve, Tony and Clint all looked at there friend with sorrow. Clint rubbed her back, and they led her back to her room

When they got there, Natasha entered, and slammed the door in all of their faces. The boys walked away sadly from Natasha's room.

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