Chapter 38: [Filler] Part One: New life at the pack

Start from the beginning

I thought about it and decided it was best to get oriented on the matter, better that than being ignorant. I picked up the phone and sent him a message to come by tomorrow so that I could ask him some questions. It was plain and simple the message which he quickly replied with a 'oki' and a smiley emoji and he also wished me a good night.

After that I took my desirable shower, then hit the bed where I laid for hours wondering about Kihyun-ah and Kyunnie. My worries were growing but somehow my mind kept reminding me that they are with their mates, that they will be safe... *sighs* I just hope they are. I really miss them. I feel empty and lonely without them. They were the ones I interacted most with, the girls were always together and doing whatever, the boys and I were always working, cooking and sharing shores. They were the ones I was most attached too and it hurt a lot when we got separated.

I closed my eyes tight when I reminded myself again that they are okay and that I could visit them later. I needed to believe that in order to survive my doleful heart.

Then I heard a soft knock against the door, Nana came in without turning the lights and just stood there by the door while I laid with my eyes closed. I wasn't ready to open them.

"Where are the boys?"

Of course, she would ask about them.

"With their mates ma," my voice was low but audible. I bet she could hear the sadness laced in my voice when I spoke. I heard her sigh and felt her frown. I opened my eyes and saw her broken heart.

"They didn't say goodbye."

"They didn't plan on going back," I said sitting up "their mates found us and well, they had to go back and face their problems which were many."

"Will they be alright?"

"Yeah, those guys are their mates, they wouldn't hurt them." I assured her and then she nodded her head, a smile working it's wat in her faded lips.

"Alright then, I hope they visit soon! I can't wait to meet their mates, they must be so handsome." Then when he sat down I told her about Sehun and how he imprinted on me and everything else... Nan got happy and excited. She told me she wanted to meet him one day. After talking more about him, she got sleepy and went to her room.

I then laid on my bed and just stared up at the ceiling hearing a few thumps on the wall from the room of the girls. I narrowed my eyes wondering what could they could be doing? Were they dancing on their beds again? or were they killing a cockroach? Meh, too tired to even find out.

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"I hate that damn clown but at the same time I love him." I chuckled when I watched Pennywise scare off Ben at the library. I was watching IT in my room on my laptop when I heard the rain get hard. Nana was off to work while I stayed at home to meet Sehun in a few hours. I haven't done much but have breakfast, getting dressed and watch movies.

It after one hour of watching IT that I began to wonder when the girls will come out of their room, they have been hauled up in there since I woke up. I haven't heard from them either which was weird. Were they sick? Or still sad?

hmm ... I wonder.

I set the laptop aside and got up to prepare something for them to nibble on. I prepared scrambled eggs and toast with bacon, when I put them on a tray I quickly went up to their room and it was strange that their room's door was half-open. I didn't hesitate to get inside, I kicked the door open and went inside with my bright self to sing them a good rainy morning but with what I was greeted with was empty beds.

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