Chapter 18

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"One of the greatest regrets in life is being what others would want you to be, rather than being yourself." Shannon L. Alder

Tiana's P.O.V

My first thought when I open my eyes is about Ryder. Wishing I didn't, my body turns to see if he came back. Why did the moon goddess do this to me? It's rare for humans to have a mate in the first place, why can't I be a normal human who can love who I want? Everyone says she knows what she's doing, but why him?

Begrudgingly, I get up to start the day. My arms are still sore from a few days ago so I grab a long sleeve shirt and rush downstairs.

My brothers are sitting around the kitchen table, eating breakfast and discussing sports, like always. I plop my butt down next to them.

"Hey, sis! What's new with you?" Lexus asks. They don't know I have a mate because I've hidden it pretty well.

They used to care about me more, but ever since they got mates, that's taken priority over me. I don't blame them. If I had a mate who loved me, I would be around him a lot more and probably like my life.

"I'm good. Living life, you know," I respond with a vague answer, never letting them see I'm hurting. The boys nod and go back to their prior conversation.

Asher can always see right through my lies, but he seems to be too invested in football to notice anything. He's probably sick of being the only sibling who really cares. I'm sure it's annoying to I'm not surprised.

I sling my backpack over my shoulder and head over to the garage. Please on please let Ryder be sick today.

Asher's P.O.V

Lexus, Zakia, and I roll up to school and part ways.

"See you at practice!" Zakia shouts as we walk into the building and make our way to class. I smile back at them, pretending to be excited.

Sports don't really make me happy, but I need every distraction I can use. Ever since I shifted, I haven't felt like myself. I don't understand what is wrong with me. Why don't I love football like my brothers do?

Distract, avoid, ignore. That's been my new moto. I have been an A+ student in all of my honors and AP classes. I've joined football, changed my style, and done what I could be normal. Every day is a struggle because no matter what I do, my mind is elsewhere.

Sitting in first period, the teacher's lesson is going in one ear and out the other. There's only one person I can think about. Focus. Don't think about it.

The bell finally rings, releasing me from my constant thoughts. Looking down at the hallway floor, I notice little things about how others walk and that we need a new janitor. If I don't start thinking straight, that will be my next job.

Arriving in second period, I sit at my spot, staring at my hands, attempting to memorize details, trying to distract myself. Of course, I can't turn off my senses, so as I inhale, I'm struck by a strong scent. Maple and chocolate. I don't want to like this. What did I do to deserve this torture?

Unable to be in the same room much longer, I rush out of the room into the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, my face is flushed and I'm breathing heavily. My hands grab either side of the sink to hold me up.

"Must be with mate! Go to mate!" my wolf, Lope, growls in my head.

No, stop it.

"Mate! Must see mate!" he yells.

Just shut up! That is not my mate! I snap at him, sick of hearing the same thing every day.I curled into a fetal position in the corner of a stall. My eyes watering, my heart hurting.

"I know I don't know your plan for me, moon goddess, and I will never question you. Because of you, my parents found each other and they're both happy. I see it every day, the intensity of their love for one another. I'm sure you know what you're doing, but please I beg of you, give me a different mate. I'm not what you think I am. There's nothing wrong with it, but It's just not me. I want someone to love me like my father loves my mom. Please moon goddess, let it be someone else. Give me someone else. Thank you," after my prayers, I stand and wipe my face and leave with my head held high.

This new confidence only backfires. Our eyes meet, my heart melts, and all I want to do is go to him. Tate gets closer, smiling nervously, "Can we talk?" he wonders.

No matter how much I wanted to take him into a closet and do some nasty things to his body, I shut down those feelings. "Look, Tate. You seem like a good guy, but I'm not gay. I hope the moon goddess sees this soon and gives you a mate who can love you," I reply, never looking into his eyes.

"The moon goddess doesn't make mistakes," Tate states. "I get that you're scared, I am too. You're denying a part of yourself. Please give this a chance."

"I said I'm not gay. Just leave me alone, please," I walk past him, feeling his pain.

Walking to my next class, I hear a door open and my arm is pulled, bringing me into the broom closet. It's dark but my wolf senses tell me Tate is the culprit of this surprise attack. "Tate, I already told you...," my words were cut short as his lips crashed into mine.

Without thinking, I tangle my lips with his, grabbing him, pulling him close. His touch is electrifying, my body is on fire.

Tate pulls away and connects his eyes with mine. "You shouldn't be afraid of something that feels this good," he smirks, gently grazing his fingers against my shoulder.

I decide to stop fighting it and kiss him again. It feels euphoric. I guess the moon goddess really doesn't make mistakes.

A/N:This chapter was technically unplanned, however, I never put the reveal in the outline and decided today would be perfect. Reason being that today is the 4 month anniversary with my lovely girlfriend.

It took me a long time to accept my sexuality. I listened to every biphobic comment telling me I was wrong and that what I am doesn't exist. I denied who I am, even when I was out because I had never truly have been in love with a woman. Once I fell in love with my current girlfriend, it confirmed who I am to myself. I'm proud and honored to call her my girlfriend. Love is love. Don't deny yourself of who you are. Every person who doesn't like me because I'm bi, because I'm Jewish, because I'm a woman, doesn't deserve me in their life. I am more than that. If they can't see me and love me for who I am, I don't want them in my life.

I hope you enjoyed this fun chapter. I thought we needed a break from the more intense plot points and celebrate love in all forms. I do not support hate speech, so I will be deleting any comments that fall under this category. You can believe what you want, say how you feel, but do not attack anyone, please. Thank you to everyone who continues to support me and have a magnificent Monday.

What do you think about the reveal?

Did you guess Asher was the Unknown P.O.V?

Do you think Asher will tell the family soon?

Ryder: WTF I wasn't even in this chapter

Rachel: Sucks to suck

Ryder: Asher's gay, whoopdidoo, what about me?

Rachel: Don't be so self-centered

Ryder: I'm not! I'm just better than every other character in the story!

Rachel: *mumbles under my breath* I want to kill you off so badly

Ryder: What?

Rachel: Nothing!




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