Chapter Forty-Five

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45. The Short Return of Magdelena

The knights were sitting at the round table, it was a bit silent as they were thinking about what was coming. Merlin perked up spinning around from where he stood behind Arthur th knights looked at him, Arthur, Gwaine, Lancelot, and Leon went on guard until from a doorway came the familiar dark hair of Magdelena who smiled at the sight of everyone, "Oh thank god I found you!" she cries running forward only to be stopped by Merlin holding a hand out, "Please it is me. Morgause let be out on my own and the love potion stopped working. She will know not too long from now and I will be called back." 

"She's telling the truth," Merlin says lowering her hand as she runs into his arms bursting into tears, "So I heard you're the king." Magdelena pulls away looking at him horrified. 

"It is the magic of the potion, makes me act like a lovesick puppy," she says disgusted before turning to Gaius and running into his arms, followed by Gwaine, then Lancelot, then Gwen and Leon - even though it still burnt her, "God I hope I can kill her once you guys take back Camelot."

"Who is this?" Elyan asks making Magdelena smile at bit at the man as she walks forwards. 

"Magdelena, you must be Elyan, Gwen's brother," Magdelena says smiling, "Pleasure to finally meet you. We like to complain about our brothers."

"Hey!" Merlin calls out making her chuckle, as she turns to him with a wink, "Wait did you say that Morgause had you under a love spell?"

"Yes Merlin, keep up," she tells him, "She was able to trap me and tricked me with the old water flask. Now she puts it in all my drinks, it is powerful enough that it wears off every three hours."

"That explains the snogging," Merlin says earning a harsh glare from Arthur and a punch to the arm from Magdelena. Magdelena hugs each of the people she had greeted once more before she turned to her brother hugging him tightly whispering something in his ear that no one else heard before she turned to Arthur. 

"Will you walk me out, Sire?" she asks Arthur stands rushed from his seat almost stumbling making her chuckle a bit covering her smile with her hand as the rest of the knights, Merlin, Gaius and Gwen shared knowing looks. 

They walked in silence until she was sure there was no chance the other would hear their conversation before she stopped and turned to him, "What did you-" he was cut off as her arms wrapped around his torso under his arms her face pressed against his chest. His arms wrapped around her returning the hug, "Mags?" 

She mumbles something but he can't make out what but she pulls away from him and smiles at him, "Please be careful when you take back Camelot," she says her eyes begging him as a sadness comes from behind the worry.

Arthur says nothing as they stand in silence for a few moments, "In case I don't see you again," her finger pressed against his lips silencing him.

"You will. You will see me," Magdelena tells him, "You have given everyone hope, something to believe in. The knights and people of Camelot refuse to bow to Morgana. I saw the king you will become just as they have. I'm so proud of you Arthur."

There was another pause before Arthur speaks, "You told Morgause you were Death," he tells her making her look at the floor, "Is that true? Is that the magic you possess?"

"Now is not the time," she says stepping back from him turning around, "We can talk later, I promise." Arthur watches her as she disappears walking away until he could no longer make her out among the darkening sky.

Magdelena arrived back in Camelot walking through the people all who stared at her with curious glances, she wore a fancy dress and probably looked like a noble walking into their town. She enters the castle and straight into the throne room where Morgause and Morgana were speaking to a small troupe of the undead knights, "Mags!" Morgause calls running to the woman and pulling her into a hug, "I was getting worried, I was ready to send out men to look for you. I feared the opposition had caught you."

"Why didn't you just summon me?" she asks staring at her with a blank expression. 

"You look parched," Morgause says holding out a glass of water to Magdelena who looked down at it, almost certain there was a love spell on the water or the cup, "Come now drink up we have a lot to do."

"What if I refuse?" Magdelena says staring down at the cup being held out to her, "I don't need water or food to live. Therefore the water will do nothing for me."

Morgause looked at her taken back before Magdelena was pushed into a seat and Morgause forces the liquid down her throat. Once Magdelena's eyes flashed pink she allowed her to get up from the chair, "Mags are you feeling better now?"

"Morgause I missed you!" Magdelena says lunging into the blonde's arms, "I missed you to Morgana!" 

Warning bells began to ring alerting the three women that they were going to be having a fight from those who claimed the throne. Lead by none other than Arthur and his band of knights, Magdelena immediately changed into a red dress with tight sleeves that had a loose skirt allowing for movement. A chainmail skirt which had lose arms with a leather armor covering her torso with twp straps over which went over her shoulder both starting on the right side. She wore some sturdy brown leather boots and had a sword in her hand ready for a fight.

"Mags stay with me, we must guard the cup of life," Morgause leads the woman toward the cup which was sitting on a pedestal at the front of the room, a large of the undead stood in front of the door, "I am sure no one will get this far. We have little to worry about my Love."

Magdelena was unsure when she had spaced out but the next thing she sees is Morgause being thrown against the wall and being knocked out, the cup of life was knocked off spilling the blood but Magdelena ran at the blonde on the floor, "Morgause!" she screams holding her head gently, Morgana enters running to her sister pushing Magdelena away slightly allowing Merlin to grab her as Morgana screams beinging the room crumbling down, "Morgause! Morgana! Help me!" 

Morgana was too worried about her sister to care about her sister's love, as she vanished leaving Magdelena in the hold of Merlin as the four of them escaped, "The love potion should wear off soon." Merlni says as Magdelena cries for Morgause and Morgana who had left her behind.

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