Chapter Forty-Three

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43. Foolish Mistakes

Magdelena woke up tied to a chair with ropes, on the floor around her was black ink sprawled a symbol which was making the thing inside her go crazy as he clawed at her head screaming out at those who captured her. Magdelena wasn't surprised to find Morgause and Cenred in the room, Cenred on his throne, like he usually was, "I am glad you have awoken Maggie," Morgause was smiling softly at the woman who still had black hair. Magdelena quickly shifted her hair back to normal tired of the long length. 

"I should have guessed Morgana had heard of the mission and informed you," Magdelena says harshly, "Cenred looking at useless as usually." 

"You can't bring my mood down," he says smugly, "I have an army of the immortal."

"Your army?" Morgause asks turning away from the brunette to look at the male. 

"Well, they are my men," Cenred says staring at the priestess carefully wondering where he went wrong. 

"Correction: they were your men," Morgause says her turn to be smug, "It is I that made them immortal. They are bound to me now."  

"Do not think for one moment that you can cross me, My Lady."  

"Cross you? Never," Morgause says something in the ancient tongue and the soldier in the room drew his sword making his way toward the King. 

"What are you doing?" Cenred now was worried as he realized what was happening and everything was beginning to click together. 

"Have I not always been honest with you, Cenred?" Morgause says while he draws his sword looking at the soldier he knew he had no chance winning against. 

"Stop," he tries to order the soldier, "Stop, you answer to me, not to her." Cenred runs the soldier through with a sword, but the man does not fall just as was suspected, "Morgause. Morgause, make him stop. Make him stop!" 

The soldier was able to disarm Cenred and knocks him to the floor, "Did I not say that, when I threatened you, you'd know about it?" The soldier raises his sword to take the final blow, "Well, now you know." 

"Morgause, please...!" Cenred begs for his life but the soldier runs him through ending his life Magdelena watches his red self raise from his body with one look at the two women and his dead body he leaves the world glaring at Morgause the entire time. 

"Now that he has been dealt with," Morgause says turning to Magdelena who was staring at her with a blank stare, "I now get to care for you." 

"You know you can't kill me as you did him," Magdelena says motioning toward the dead body which was bleeding out on the steps on teh throne.

"Maggie, my love, why would I kill you?" Morgause asks using magic she unties the ropes allowing Magdelena to stand and rub her slightly sore wrists but still stuck in the black ink drawing, "I found it in an ancient book on demons. Keeps them with the circle, only someone on the outside may smudge it to release them."

"Do you plan to keep me in this circle until you have finished your plan?" Magdelena asks glaring at Morgause who smiles at the woman shaking her head slightly.

"No," Morgause says, "I want you to join me, join my cause. Morgana on the throne will allow magic to return to the land." 

"Arthur is the true heir the only one that can bring magic back into Albion," Magdelena says, "Morgana perhaps would have before she was corrupted by you, but now she is just as evil as you."

"You think me evil Maggie?" Morgause asks looking at Magdelena who refused to meet her gaze making Morgause smirk, "You must be thirsty, will you accept a drink of water from me?" 

Magdelena looks up at the woman to see she was holding a small cup made of horn filled with the clear water, in the circle Magdelena raises an eyebrow as she takes the glass. She sniffs it a bit for poison and dips her finger into it before licking the water from it. Deciding it was just water she chugs the water before her eyes glaze glosses flashing a pink before going back to her normal color. 

"w-whAt hA-AvE yOU dOn-dOnE tO my m-mIstrEss?" the voice spoke through the slightly dazed Magdelena says sounding pained making Morgause smile at the demon looking through the brunette's eyes.

"So its true love is your weakness," Morgause says, "Even a fake love potion. Good to know."

"yOU . . .  wIll . . . pAy . . . fOr . . . thIs . . ." his eyes covering Magdelena's leaves and Morgause smiles entering the circle grabbing Magdelena's hand. 

"Will you join my cause? Stay by my side forever?" Morgause asks squeezing the other woman's hand smiling softly at the woman. Who smiles back with the same softness.

"Why wouldn't I stand by the side of the one I love?" Morgause smudges the drawing and leads Magdelena from the throne room through the castle to her chambers where they stayed for the night wrapped in each other's arms. 

Morgause stands from their bed Magdelena simply sits up watching the woman, "Today is the day we take Camelot," Morgause says turning to the woman, "Go dress in something practical to ride, we shall have something for you to change into when we arrive at Camelot."

Magdelena changed into the clothes she had arrived in the armored dress withe the furlined coat and the armored boots. The quickly got onto a horse and off they headed toward Camelot, they went through massacres of Camelot's knights they, the ower town was littered with some bodies and broken wagons, supplies and goods were strewn around. 

"Have you already taken over Camelot, my love?" Magdelena asks looking around seeing no people, many probably ran, more were dead and some were probably prisoners. 

"Yes, even the King is in the dungeons," Morgause says Magdelena smiles at the woman who was on the horse in front of her squeezing her tightly as thinks of it all, "It is wonderful is it not." 

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