Chapter Thirty-Three

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33. Accusations and Verdicts 

Magdelena was sitting on her bed fuming when two guards entered she stared at them with a questioning gaze but they said nothing as she was hauled up and dragged from the chambers. As they escorted her the long way to the council chambers as she goes she Merlin is seen, "Merlin, don't do anything. I will be fine," she says but from the corner of her eye sees him run off toward the direction of Arthur's chambers.

The guards threw her on the floor before Uther, behind him away was Morgana while she faked her sadness there was a gleam in her eyes. Uther held up a poultice showing it to her carefully, "Do you ou recognize it?"

"I've never seen it before in my life," she says staring at him wondering what he was getting at, but his next words she understood where he was coming from and what Morgana was trying to do.

"Really?" Uther says, "I believe you planted it in Arthur's Chambers to enchant him." He hands the poultice over to the guard near him who handled it carefully.

"Why would I use magic to enchant the Prince? What reason could I have for doing that Uther?" Magdelena asked slightly bored by his antics.

"There is no other reason why Arthur would fall in love with someone like you?" Uther snapped at her making her glare at him harshly. 

"What do you know of love Uther?" she hisses earning a hard slap across the face, Uther hisses as he feels the sting of his own slap on his face but there was no mark like the bright red handprint on her cheek.

Morgana lets out a gasp, "My Lord! Maggie has always been a loyal and trusted servant! Ever since she first joined us." She says knowing her words would do little to sway him at the moment. 

"I have no doubt she's feigned loyalty while using her position to get close to my son," Uther says bitterly about the subject but not to the person whom he was telling it to. The doors are thrown open to show the Prince who does his best not to look at Magdelena.

"What is the meaning of this?!"

"This poultice was found under your pillow. Some kind of love charm. You are under its spell." Uther explains to his son. 

'Come on Uther why would I use a love spell on the Prince?' Magdelena asks through the bond, 'Truly ask yourself what I have to gain. I have never liked attention why would I want to be Queen?' 

"That's ridiculous."

"What would you know."  

"Because I know how I feel," he makes eye contact with Magdelena who looks pained as he speaks to her, "I'm not enchanted." 

"So can you tell me how it came to be in your room?" Uther asks motioning to the poultice still held by the guard. 

"I don't know," Arthur says honestly, "but I don't believe Mags put it there." Her heart ached at the sound of him still using her nickname. 

"Until its spell is broken, I can't take anything you say as the truth," Uther snaps making Magdelena snap her head to him with a bewildered look on her face.

"Then why the bloody hell would you ask him how it ended up in his room!?" Magdelena snapped at the King, "Does anything you do make sense or do you do whatever just pops in your mind!?" While it sounded like her voice there was something off about it, as if someone was talking over her.

"My Lord," Gaius's voice spoke Magdelena wasn't sure when he had entered or if he had been in there the whole time, "whatever this poultice is, I don't believe that Maggie is responsible for magic." 

"I don't care what you believe, Gaius. Arthur is under her spell," Uther says glaring at his servant, knowing that she didn't put it there he had glimpsed into her mind, but he didn't want Arthur to end up with her, "It's the only rational explanation for his behavior!"

"Father, you have to see reason," Arthur says almost begging, "Magdelena has done nothing wrong."

"She has been found guilty of using magic and enchantments," Uther says smirking at his servant as everything clicked in her head as she realized that finding the poultice only helped him in his plan, "She will be burnt at the stake." 

"No!" Arthur cries going to rush forward but with two words from Uther, the guards grab his arms holding him back from attacking or whatever it was he had planned, "You can't do this!"

"My Lord! At least give Maggie a fair trial!" Gaius begs for the life of his niece.

"I have all the evidence I need," Uther says but Magdelena speaks once more with the weird distorted voice that she has used earlier.

"All the evidence you need Uther or the evidence you want?" she asks laughing a bit with another laugh over it, an evil laugh one that sent shivers down the spine sof everyone in the room.

"I'm begging you!" Arthur cries out drawing the harsh glare from Uther from Magdelena to himself.

"Did she not tell you already that doesn't have feelings for you?" Uther asks, "Why do you wish to protect her so much?"

"W--we will leave Camelot and never return!" Arthur says staring at Magdelena who was staring at the Prince her eyes begged him to stop, "Just-- just let us go! I relinquish my entitlement to the throne!"

Magdelena looks at the Prince shaking her head at him, her eyes begging him. She was confused how could he still care for her after she broke his heart, how can he stand here and protect her. How could he stare at his father and tell him he will run away and that he will give up the throne and Camelot?

"My son would never do that," Uther says, "It is proof beyond doubt that you are enchanted." 

"I will never forgive you for this," Arthur says glaring at his father, 

"She will die. The enchantment will be broken. You'll see I was right," Uther says staring at her as she matches his glare with an even colder one, "Take her away." Uther takes his leave while the guards haul her up as Arthur struggles with the guards holding him.

 "Mags please forgive me," Arthur says staring at her, the guards begin to drag her backward from the room showing the people in it.

"Sire, I don't understand why you are doing this. I told you I had no feelings for you," Magdelena says softly her heels digging into the stone ground bringing the guards to a harsh stop, he was glad to hear it was just her voice talking to him.

"I won't stop trying. I won't stop trying to show you how much I love you in hopes that one day you will the same," he finally breaks from his knights and runs to her going to kiss her cheek but her guards jerk her and his lips are pressed against her. His knights grab his arms and pull him away while her heels stop pushing against the stone and she allows them to be dragged away.

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