Chapter Forty-One

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41. I Will Not Be Bullied By Some Smelly Brute With No Brain

Magdelena was not pleased when she woke up, she seemed to have startled the guards as one rushed off somewhere as she sat trying to calm herself and the voice telling her ways to kill everyone in her path to freedom. She was now in a dress which went from yellow to orange to purple, with a metal clasp around her neck holding git up and metal cuff on her arms to keep the sleeves up. It was long and flowing and her boots had also been removed. A man dressed in dark clothes, with black furs opened the gate to her cell as she scowled at him, "I hope for your sake that you were not the one that changed my clothes," she growls making him chuckle.

"Trust me, sweetheart, threats will get you nowhere," he says she rushes forward her dress only stopping her slightly but his hand does stop right before she made an impact with his face, "Now we wouldn't want those two boys you came in to get hurt now would we. Hurting you would do me no good."

"So you are not as stupid as you look then," she says making him chuckle a bit leading her from the cell, "Where are my comrades if I may ask?"

"My name is Jarl but you may now call me Master," he says making her growl once more, "They are with the rest of my competitors and my champion."

"What is my part in this little slave trade show you having going on?" she asks glaring at him making him look at her slightly impressed with her guessing his profession, "Please no one drugs people riding through the forest for any other reason."

"why tAlk tO thIs fIthly mOrtAl? why nOt jUst kIll hIm?" Magdelena ignores his voice as she listens to the man who explained she was their entertainment that they can stare at before the ugly men came out to fight.

"I can do nothing entertaining," she says, "Unless you expect me to stand in front of your men silently while plotting your murders."

"You will do something or risk the death of your friends," he says making her glare at him he pushes her into a chair ordering a guard to keep an eye on her. She stared at him with a bored expression while he stared at her with a look which made her sick to her stomach.

"You're the one that changed me aren't you?" she asks ending him a small scowl, "Glad I can help you, probably the only time you've seen a woman."

"I've seen better," he says making her gag on the inside while the demon inside her growled a threat about his mistress.

"Oh, I doubt that," she says a challenge clear in her eyes, he missed her slipping a knife which had laid on the table as he strutted forward, "Oh does the little kitty like to play?"

"You damn bitch!" he snaps in a split second the knife was held against his neck as she growls at him in a deep voice.

"Why do I have to keep threatening your comrades? Do you doubt that I will actually hurt them?" Jarl asks entering the room to find his second with a table knife to his throat held by the beautiful woman. 

"No," she says not moving her harsh gaze from the man in front of her, "I doubt you will do more than threaten to hurt them because once you lay a hand on them nothing stops me from killing you."

"You are rather confident," Jarl says, "Why don't you entertain us so we may get on with the fighting?" Magdelena walked to the sand arena which had some blood spots looking rather fresh, some were older. 

"Get on with it!" Jarl snapped at her earning a growl from Magdelena who took a deep breath before she began to sing.

"Cross my heart and I hope to die I don't need another guy To fight my battles To overshadow me.

The entire crowd was taken back by the sound of her voice, it was like nothing they had ever heard. There were rumors of a serving girl in Camelot with a voice like this but why she would be traveling with two men seemed to break that trail.

"Don't you know I'm dangerous? Fire burning in my blood I got this handled I don't need rescuing."

Jarl was taken back as her eyes snapped open showing an inner flame that he hadn't seen when they brought her in, but there was a darkness inside the girl singing as she sang the next part.

"You can call me a princess all your life 'Cause you learned to keep me helpless by your side But that ain't what I want, I'ma show you I'ma show you How to treat me like a queen  Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Boy, you better bow down on your knees Can I get a yes, your majesty? So treat me like a queen  Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Boy, you better bow down on your knees Can I get a yes, your majesty?"

Jarl would have glared at her but the fire and darkness which was seen through her eyes stopped him from acting out against her. He had never felt fear for someone like he was at the moment.

"Eyes on me like I'm a prize But you better recognize I'm not your angel 'Cause I belong to me."

Merlin and Arthur were listening to the voice which was trailing through the castle, Gwaine and the other competitors were in awe of the voice, Merlin was slightly worried Magdelena didn't sing for anyone meaning she was probably being threatened. Arthur was confused it sounded like Magdelena but Magdelena wasn't here, the only female that was here was Saturn.

"How to treat me like a queen  Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Boy, you better bow down on your knees Can I get a yes, your majesty? So treat me like a queen Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Boy, you better bow down on your knees Can I get a yes, your majesty?"

Magdelena refused to break eye contact with Jarl she could see the fear creeping into his eyes as she allowed the demon in her to peak out a bit at him.

"You can call me a princess all your life 'Cause you learned to keep me helpless by your side But that ain't what I want, I'ma show you How to treat me like a queen  Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Boy, you better bow down on your knees Can I get a yes, your majesty? So treat me like a queen  Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Boy, you better bow down on your knees Can I get a yes, your majesty?"

Her voice stopped as the song came to an end, there was a pause before the men began to cheer and clap like madmen. She could have cared less as she continued to have an eye staring contest with Jarl, "Should we get on with the fighting now?"

"Y-yes," Jarl says motioning the woman in the ring to come to him which she did, the darkness pulled back into her, but the fire was still there, "You will be my special guest for the fight."

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