Chapter Thirty-Eight

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*I would like to add this first that this story and the poem (turned into a song) was written by J.R.R. Tolkien and used in the Lord of the Rings book. I do not own the song but I love this song and story and choice to use it. Also in this version, it is a story of legend so it is slightly adapted to fit in with Merlin.

38. Betrayal At Its Finest

Night fell upon the town but the lanterns in the streets were lit with the full moon and cloudless sky it was rather well lit in the small center of the town where it seemed people had begun to gather around. Mart stood with his back where they stood his wagon and horse were planted behind him as they walked closer he turned and smile, "I am glad you showed up," he says smiling.

"Did you think we wouldn't?"  Leon asks him making the man chuckle leading the over to the back of his wagon where he pulled out two small boxes. 

Opening them she was shocked to find a golden thick band of gold with Leander engraved in black flowing letters, she looks over to Leon's to find Mahoney engraved in the same way that his name was on her ring, "I know it isn't much but I thought you two could use rings."

"This is far too kind of you," she says looking at him sadly, "We have nothing to give you in return."

"I ask for nothing," he says before turning to her a glint in his eyes, 'You are the Once and Future Queen.' 

'You know we are not-'

'You keep your secrets. I am sure you have your reasons,' he says Leon places a hand on her shoulder as she slips on the ring and he follows suit, "I think it would be better if you started us off." 

"Are you sure?" Leon asks and Mart nods, "Very well. Mag-Mahoney?" 

"Yes we shall start with the stones, then move on to the story," she says smiling at Mart, "Any story ideas? We were unable to make up our minds on which story to tell."

"What about the story of Beren and Luthien?" he asks Magdelena smiles at the man clapping her hands as she thought of it.

"Beren and Luthien?" Leon asks staring at the two confused.

"You have never heard the story of Beren and Luthien?" Magdelena asks her counterpart who shakes his head, "I guess you will join the audience and I shall tell it myself." 

Not ten minutes passed when the entire town was gathered around the three people, backed by the wagon of Mart who had taken a seat on the grass with the children who looked at Magdelena who was standing there smiling, "Can you please bring forth my magic stones?" the children quickly grab the stones they had each found and brought them before her. There were seventeen stones of varying colors spread before her.

"whAt dO yOU plAn On dOIng wIth thOsE stOnEs?" his voice asks as she reaches out to them running her hands over them carefully ignoring the question on him.

"Come, Leander," she grabs his head pulling him forward, "Pick a stone." Leon looks down at the stones picking a bright red stone which makes her smile as she picks it up rolling it around in her hands, twirling it through her fingers making it appear and disappear.

"An interesting choice," she says staring at him before looking at the kids, "Shall we see what happens when Leander holds it?" the children cheer as she hands the stone which he takes hesitantly but holds it closing his fist around it tightly. His eyes widen as his hand is thrown open and from his palm, a puff of red clears the way to show a tiger on his palm running in circles. 

He gently places the tiger on the floor who runs around the children laugh as he runs up and down their legs pouncing on their toes. She does it to the rest of the stones turning them into different animals, the children cheer and laugh as they play with them. The parents in away of the show of magic, Leon was scared of the use of magic from Magdelena but he felt no fear from her, just of what would happen should Uther find out his servant had magic.

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