"We can get you both a glass or two if you want. "

"Mama needs her alcohol. "

More laughter.

"Well, I wanna start the interview off by saying that there were such great performances out there! And some highly emotional ones too but I'm not getting into that cause I'm not looking to cry again. "

Laughter rippled through the room.

"Now I know some of us have had a rough few months, Pentatonix, I won't ask too much but you were MIA for six whole months, what happened? "

The tension in the group was high, no one wanted to answer that it was a topic none of them liked to touch on. Avi especially, however, Kirstie spoke.

"I'm not going to say much but it was a really tough time for us and honestly scarring but I think we're all alright and we're gonna continue with releasing new music and such. Keep our fans happy. "

"That's great well next question... "

The whole band zoned out not really listening to what was going on. But their attention was caught when the interviewer almost yelled into the mic.

"Ok well, you can all enjoy the party. We'll be back with another interview with the one and only, Queen B! Stay tuned! "

The cameraman gave them another signal and she turned back to all the celebrities in the room.

"You can all go off and enjoy the party. Beyoncé could you be back in about five, ten minutes? "

"Sure. "

Music started playing and they all split off, Scott and Mitch technically ran to the Chardonnay, Kirstie and Kevin took to the floor and Avi just ended up with a glass of liquor and sitting on a countertop.  He felt someone sit next to him.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, your that guy in Pentatonix with the insanely low voice, right? "

He turned to look at her, Alecia (P!nk).

"that's me. "

She sat right next to him with some whiskey in her hands.

"Bro, I dunno how you do it. But you're absolutely amazing. The way you stopped the show for a whole 10 minutes. How do you even destroy a sound system like this one?"

"all in a days work."

She took in his sombre atmosphere and frowned.

"What's up?"


"Nah come on dude... I can tell somethings up."

That just made Avi more upset. Why? Analyse the way she talked to him. Sound like someone similar? It should. It's exactly how Kevin would talk to him. Before everything bad happened to them. He felt his emotions getting all messed up and the tear in his eyes threatening to spill. He saw them... and so did Alecia.

"hey what's--"


He stood and pushed passed her and out the room heading towards the bathrooms...

Kirstie was getting some drinks for her and her gals considering it was a party and what's a party without drinks ya know what I'm saying? So she was there getting them all refills, they'd had more than enough but they didn't know that. She was about to go back until she was stopped by a rather large hand.

"uhhh... Kristen... was it?"



Speak Up... (Sequel to Can't Say...)Where stories live. Discover now