Matsushita was left thoroughly impressed. I felt quite sceptic however. The male Ishima had brought on a very powerful offence, but his defence was severely lacking. If he didn't clinch it this turn, the female Ishima would be able to strike back with even more force, considering her opponent was sitting at five damage.

"Yggdrasil Maiden, Elaine, aid me! (13000 > 33000)"

Shut down by a single heal trigger. Unless Ishima could pull a double trigger, it seemed she would have just enough cards to stand against the attacks.

"Not yet... not until I'm dead!" As if he could read my mind, Ishima declared such a thing loudly. The crowd began cheering at this heated fight. "Twin Drive! First check! (Blitzritter) Power to vanguard (17000 > 27000), critical to Sabina! (2 > 3)"

He only needs one more trigger...

"Second check! (Prisoner Beast)"

And just like that, Ishima's attack had failed. The female Ishima breathed a sigh of relief, while the male one was in agony over his terrible luck. Channeling his frustration into motivation, he continued his critical filled attacks.

"Boosted by Pavla, Succubus of Worldly Affairs is next! (32000 > 50000/2)"

"No guard! (High Dog Breeder, Akane, Swordsman of the Explosive Flames, Palamedes)"

Just like that, she was pushed from three to five damage. The male Ishima smirked, and begun his final assault.

"Now, boosted by Pavla, Sabina is next! (19000 > 37000/3)"

The smaller boy mumbled to himself. Ishima had a look of realisation on his face. It seems he just recognised how he's misplayed.

"Llew, Flogal, aid me! (13000 > 43000)"

"Ahh!" Ishima groaned, ruffling his hair. He grinned wryly, and sighed. "Your go."

Hand: 3
Damage: 5
Soul: 17

Hand: 2
Damage: 5
Soul: 4

"Stand and draw! The white wings that govern the world, gather the light of everyone in your hands! Soul Saver Dragon, Persona Ride!"

And that makes five soul. If she can call her last two cards to field, everyone will be receiving an incredible extra 15000 power.

"Imaginary Gift: Force I! To the rear-guard! I call Flogal and Lucius. Next, I soulblast five and give everyone 15k power! (20000 > 35000) (23000 > 38000) (20000 > 35000) (8000 > 23000) (5000 > 18000) (8000 > 23000) Heroic Blessing!"

The male Ishima was looking at his hand and cringing. Despite the female Ishima being the clear victor in this match, she never grew cocky or looked confident. Instead, she looked more wary than anything.

"Boosted by Flogal, Soul Saver Dragon attacks! (38000 > 56000) Holy Charging Roar! Skill, I soulcharge one!"

"Ah..." Ishima threw his cards onto the table. "No guard."

"Twin Drive! (Knight of Loyalty, Bedivere, Sage of the Arts, Jauron)"

"Damage check. (Dimension Creeper)"

The male Ishima had lost. They shook hands and cleared up the table, leaving the seats so another two people could play.

"I can't believe I did a stupid misplay like that. I should've passed the second critical to Succubus of Worldly Affairs since she had the most power. I should've also attacked with her last instead of Sabina."

It seems he was able to reflect on what he did wrong.

Immediately, the smaller boy hopped in one of them and began shuffling his deck excitedly. A stoic boy with a white tie took a seat across him, and they began greeting each other.

"I'm Mitsuba Jun." The smaller boy said.

"Yamamoto." The stoic boy said.

"I can't wait to see this match play out too!" Matsushita said.

I watched the Ishima siblings leave the store. Mitsuba's and Yamamoto's match had unfolded.It was a Kagero vs Shadow Paladin fight. Mitsuba looked to have an Overlord deck, while Yamamoto was using a Mordred deck.

It was during Yamamoto's grade 3 turn that the Ishima siblings come back. They had a couple drinks in their hands.

"Yo, who's thirsty?" The male Ishima said with a wide smile.

"Me!" Mitsuba shot his hand up.

Ishima and Ishima passed out some sodas and iced coffees around.

"By the way, you can call me Akihiro." Ishima said as he gave me an iced coffee.

"Oh... thanks."

I felt a bit strange, getting access to his first name so easily. But I bet he was used to it, since it would've been difficult to differentiate between him and his sister.

"Since we're gonna be in the same class, what's your name?" Akihiro said.

"I'm Takanori Yuuto."

"What clan do you use, Takanori?"

No honourifics, huh? This guy was pretty straight forward.

"I use Narukami."

"Just like me." Matsushita engaged in our little conversation. "Hi there. I'm Matsushita Isogai, but you can call me Isogai."

With all these first names being tossed around so casually, I started to feel like the odd one out. These guys seemed like riajuus, unlike me who rarely went outside the house unless absolutely necessary.

"Matsushita and Takanori. Cool cool."

"Damn it!" Mitsuba yelled loudly, which caught our attention. When we checked, it seemed he had reached six damage.

Despite looking mad about it, Mitsuba was cheerfully laughing. Yamamoto's face remained extremely plain as he began shuffling his deck once more. It looked like they were about to have another bout.

Well, that was until an announcement was resounded on the speakers dotted around the cruise ship. A stewardess' voice came from it.

"We shall be arriving to GEN Academy shortly, in approximately five minutes."

With that, I decided to go find Yukina.

Cardfight!! Vanguard: Generations Volume 1 [Yuuto Birth]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz