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SHE SAT AT the dinner table, her jet-black hair covering her pale face and stormy grey eyes. As she ate the blue birthday cake from her little brothers birthday slowly, she lifted up her head and noticed the looks of her family.

This girl was named Avery Bianca Jackson, the daughter of Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson. Avery was a quiet girl; she mostly stayed to herself. She lacked friends, and always felt alone. It was hard for her. The fact that she was fifteen and was going into her sophomore year this August made it worse.

"Luke, Charlie, Eva- could you please go to the family room and watch TV or something?" Avery's mother asked. It was more of a command.

The three children knew better than to test their mothers anger, so they left the three in the kitchen.

"Avery." her father said calmly.

She looked up at him, pushing away the empty plate of blue cake; she had finished it. Avery pulled down the sleeves to her favorite leather jacket and put her fingerless black gloves back on.

"Yes, dad?" she sighed in a quiet tone.

"How are you doing, sweetie?" her mother kindly asked her, concerned.m

"Horrible. You know exactly how your doing..." The voice of a male said inside of her head.

"Fine." she said, ignoring the voice. The voice had taught her to lie and how to be delietful, and she had to say that sometimes it helped. It didn't help last year, however.

"Are you sure?" Percy asked his daughter.

Avery nodded her head, "I'm fine."

Just two months ago, Avery's life had taken a turn for the worse. She had become depressed and she felt like a waste of space. People at school told her things like that all the time. It got to the point that she believed them, and the voice didn't help her whatsoever.

Avery had been self-harming for a while before hand, but it got worse in April. In April she had attempted to commit suicide. She was nearly successful. Her brother, Charlie, who was sixteen, found her in the bathroom, tears down her face and blood dripping from her arms and wrists. She had particially slit one wrist and was getting ready to die...

Of course, her brother had to wander in and stop her. Avery was mad at him.

She was then admitted into a hospital where she was taken care of and then sent to a impacient hospital for recovery. It didn't exactly help.

"Avery, we're just looking out for you." Annabeth said, truthfully.

"I know, mom," Avery stated smally, "but I am curious. What did you tell people?"

"Tell them what?" Percy asked.

"Seaweed Brain, she's talking about what we said about her absence."


Avery glanced at her mother.

"We said you were at a camp."

Avery gave a small snort, "Yeah, a recovery camp."

"Avery... Is there anything that you aren't telling us?"

"No. I'm fine, dad. Good night." Avery said as she went to her room.

She didn't want her parents to see her when the Voice spoke to her.

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