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The feeling was all too familiar to realize. She recognized the place just by the presence. The same old rickety building that by any seconds now would fall. But Jeongyeon knows it all too well, that it won't. She opens her eyes and she was right.

But this time, the place was different. The forces of time have stopped and She knows. She was stuck in a time warp. Something that she has gotten used too. No more does she need to adjust to what she saw. But she knows, back then all of this would've been a big surprise.

Walking around the frozen state of people. It gave her chills, not because she was scared that they were going to wake up. But she was scared of the after effect. After this, all of it will be revealed. About how that chaos was made.

All of this couldn't be done if she never practices. She didn't know that she could use her powers in her dream. The professor calls it, dream control. Something that has a very obvious meaning, yet It took her years to succeded in doing it.

And all of this was a coincidence. It has been long since Jeongyeon tried, hell she gave up midway. The only one who kept on working on it was Jihyo. The latter succeeded after she manages to throw one of the assistants in one of her dreams of the orphanage.

Crazy, she thought. How could someone control their dream? It doesn't make sense to Jeongyeon. Not to mention that the dream she's trying to take control was the one she hated the most. But deep down she wanted to know.

It was years of suffering. Experiencing the same traumatic events over and over again. It was useless and the result was always the same. No answer whatsoever just another pain and suffering. Until she had enough and reflected that dreams are just dreams.

Not a fraction of a memory that she could explore. So she stopped trying on the program and forces herself to close that dark chapter. But that memory remains fresh as the result of the constant repetition of that certain memory.

So, in the end, she keeps on having that memory every time of the day. Just closing an eye was already a big weight. Because of the fear of experiencing it again, it was all too much. But, Was it because of that? Or was it because she didn't want to know the truth.

This time, when she realized she succeded. She didn't know how to react because it was all surreal and all that past fear came back in just an instant. The question was finally answered. It was because of the fear of the truth, that's why she held back.

Because even in this time warp. Even if the dangerous event was stopped. She still can feel the after effect of it of how it's going to end. She just wants to wake up and stopped herself from knowing the answer because she knew all along. That it was always her and her stupid limit.

She knows the answer after the time unfroze. That unknown power that always takes hold of her. Because of a certain limit in her body.

Limits, Superpowered people have limits. There are two limits. Limits to the usage of the power, some will vomit after using their powers too much. And then there are body limits which were a very rare occasion.

Because usually, people that have superpowers tend to have very high body limits. That's why some of them have one or more kinds of powers and if you have rare family blood, such as the Yoo's and The Ims. Their limits are greatly high.

Giving them a chance to have more than the others. But such a case happened differently for Jeongyeon. Her body limits were lower than any other Yoo's in the family tree. Thus, results in something they called a "zombie state"

A "zombie state" is when a power holder's body was taken over by the power they have. Powers are a living consciousness that rests in a human being. With high limits, this consciousness would listen to your mind. Because it knows that you cannot be fooled.

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