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Jihyo's POV

The bell rings indicating that break time is over. Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung haven't come back yet. So we just go back to class without them. Me, Tzuyu and Dahyun split up at the end because we are in different grades.

When I was walking towards class I heard someone shouted at me. I turned around and it was Nayeon. She was, calling me? Wait what? She told her friend to go to class without her and went towards me.

"Uhm, Hey Jihyo! Do you know where Jeongyeon is?" She asked me.

Wait! She was looking for Jeongyeon. Since when they became close? I just furrowed my eyebrows and smiled.

"Oh! She's probably at the gym. Why you ask?" I said to her.

I was curious to know why she was looking for Jeongyeon. If she's planning on pulling another prank at her. I swear to God I'm gonna murder her.

She hesitated a little when I ask her that and said. "I was just wondering If, she be able to be my math tutor?" She explained.

My eyes went wide immediately. Not that it wasn't wide in the first place but well you get the point. I laughed at what she said.

"You? Want Jeongyeon to what?" I asked her, again still laughing at her.

I thought she was joking at what she was saying. Because maybe she ran out of excuses to search for Jeongyeon. But then I realized she wasn't joking as her face turns serious.

She just sighed. "Look, I know it's unbelievable but I need someone to tutor me math. That's why! Anyways, Thanks!" She said and immediately ran off before I can say anything.

I just watch her back as she walked away. But I'm still confuse too why she wants Jeongyeon as her tutor not her friends. Such an unexpected thing yet fishy.

What are you planning, Im?

Nayeon's POV

We were all eating lunch in the cafeteria. It took Momo and Sana fifteen minutes to buy our foods. Apparently the cafeteria vendors were has a long line since a lot of kids wanted to buy something to eat.

The others were eating their meals peacefully. But me, My focus wasn't on the meal anymore. I keep on glancing towards Jeongyeon's table. Where Jeongyeon herself isn't their. Where is she?

Then I recall our frozen time together. Solving that math equations. It was as if we were that close to one another that we started helping each other out. It was a nice moment. Not to mention the way she treated people she wanted to help.

She was so great at teaching people. It was nice and that's when I got that idea. I slammed my hand to the table. Not to loud just enough to make the others realized. They jolted when I did that and turned to look at me.

"I think I figured out, How to became close with Jeongyeon." I said to them.

They all just awe and continue eating. Well only Momo who continues it. Mina and Sana were already full from their food. Mina then rest her chin on the palm of her hand.

"So, What's your plan?" She asked me.

I grinned widely. "Can't tell you. But it'll be all under control. Trust me."

Mina was unsure at what I said but she just shrugged it off at the end. Now all that I needed to do is wait for Jeongyeon to come. I waited and waited until the bell rings and she still hasn't come yet.

I furrowed my eyebrows when I noticed They already left their table. Where in the world is Jeongyeon? We then walked towards class until I saw Jihyo alone. I called her which makes her turned around.

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