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Jihyo's POV

"Well, what do you think, will he let us went there now?" I asked nervously.

To be honest, I feel scared and happy at the same time when the Professor told us to meet him. I was happy. Because it means he'll let us go to the academy now. But I was also scared because I know Jeongyeon wouldn't go with me, that's what she always told me.

I can see it in her gloomy face; it's either she's going with me, or The Professor would inform her, her new sparring partner. I remember the first time I met her. I felt terrible for her; she always got left behind.

Because all of her sparring partners can control their powers easily. Yet She can't and end up exploding the same as me. She ends up being a sparring partner because we were the same. I remember what she told me in the practice room.


I was crying. I kept cursing, wishing that power was never given to me. When I felt a pat on my head. I looked up, and it was Jeongyeon.

"Yah! Thomas! Don't cry." She said while laughing at me.

I wanted to be angry, then she sat down in front of me and hugged me while whispering something to me.

"I know how it feels too." I pulled her away.

She just smiled and sit beside me. "I can't control it too, that's why I'm still here."

She was on the verge of crying, but she held it in and said, "That's why you're my sparring partner now." While laughing.

I was confused. " What do you mean, Jeongie?"

She looked at me and smile. "Because every other sparring partner, I have always got chosen because they can control it when I can't."

I looked down and feel bad for Jeongyeon. She raised her pinky and I was confused again. She said, "Promise me you'll stay, and we go together, best friends?"

I looked up and accept her pinky, " Yes, best friends."

End of flashback

I promise she will go together, that's what's best friends are for anyway. But what if The Professor still doesn't approve. What will happen to her now? I hope she'll get accepted this time.

I snapped a finger to make her come back to her senses and smile. "Relax, Jeongie, we'll go together. That's what best friends are for, right?"

She looked at me and laugh. "Yeah, of course." And then there was a beep on the elevator we arrived at his office at last.


The Office was big and modern. It has a lot of monitors that show everything inside the cell. It was surrounded by bookcases. Almost like a library. On the sides were graphics and charts with the SuperHumans features. There were Jihyo's and Jeongyeon's charts.

They went inside and see a desk. The Professor looking at the view outside. He turned and smile. He motioned the girls to sit and started typing on his computers.


Jeongyeon's POV

As we were sitting there, I started to fidget because I was nervous and scared but also happy. Because maybe Jihyo can go and be happy, but yeah, that would be sad too. Jihyo looked at me with concerned eyes.

She held my hand and mouthed, "Relax, Breath." I am trying to relax.

I was going to flashback to those days when I didn't get approved when The Professor stopped typing and turned to us. He smiled and motion the council to come near us. They went closer and then he spoke.

"So, how was practice?" The Professor says in a lighter tone.

I was nervous, so I can't answer him so Jihyo answer. "It was fine, Professor, we did a great job today." She said.

"I think," I mumbled.

The Professor was happy and laughed. We were confused, and then he moves the council to get him something. They nod and try to get it.

"That's great then! Girls, it's been so long since you been here, and I'm proud of you. You've grown so much more than I expected." He was smiling.

I was happy, but still scared. Then Professor Park continued, " Well, the time has come." He stands up and reaches for the thing that the council handed; it was a key.

"Time has come for what Professor?" Jihyo asked her.

He laughed; we looked at each other confused. He then put the key through a keyhole and said, "Pack your bags, girls, you're going to the academy."

I was shocked, and Jihyo was screaming and jumping happily. The Professor saw my shocked face and whispered to me. I turned, and He smiled.

"You're going to Ms Yoo, it's time for you to go, little girl, Goodluck!" I hugged him and whispered some thank you to him, He hugged me back and told us to sit down again.

We sit and then he said, "Well, girls start packing after you pack come here so I can open the gate for you."

We ran when I heard he called me and say, "Jeongyeon, I'm proud of you, and I believe you can do it, Fighting!!" I smiled and went down to pack

I packed everything in my bag and ran to Jihyo's room. She was happily crying when she got out.

She hugged me, and then she smiled, "WE ARE GETTING OUT OF THIS WORMHOLE!!!" She yelled, and I closed my ears; we took one last look at the underground lair and waved to the others and went to the OfficeOffice.

The Professor was waiting, and then he opens the gate we got teleported there to the entrance. And a car already waited for us. Jihyo went in first. I took a look at the building for the last time and saw The Professor smiling and waving goodbye.

I guess there was hope after all -Jeongyeon.

Jihyo screams, telling me to get in. I got in and sit down. I looked at the view of the window. Seeing the city for the first time. We were amazed and happy that our hard work has finally become a reality. And that's when our journey begins. We never know that after that everything in our lives changed in the academy.


Heii guys author-nim here after this I'm going to write about Nayeon but it's not going to be as much as Jeongyeon because she doesn't have that much of a backstory

Thank you for reading and keep on waiting for the next one

Byee GBU All 😚😚😚

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