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Nayeon's POV

I quickly regretted my actions. I thought it would've shown her weaknesses but I was completely wrong. She was mad at me. I didn't think my plan through. When she blocked the boulder all I can feel was fear.

She was using her powers for the first time and in control. She screamed at me. It was the glove. It was her family's last gift. Wait! Does that mean she has one? I thought the facility took care of orphans SuperHumans and maniacs.

I heard the thunder filling up the room. It surprises me so I started throwing objects at her with my powers. She strucked everything with her lightning. Some was aiming for me. I dogde it making sure I didn't get electrified.

The amount of power she have was out of this world and I was terrified out of my mind. I never thought she'll be this powerful. I really wanted to turn back the time. But she knows I can do that.

The last time it happened it triggers her to do worse and I don't want that to happen again. I ran and ran my heart was beating out of my chest. Then from the corner of my eyes I see a big ball of fire heading towards me.

I dodge it and plead for her to stop but she didn't listen and keeps out of control. She keeps on aiming for me. Some lightning struck near me which send me flying and hit the wall.

It causes some bruises to me. I kept on watching her to make sure I didn't get hit again. I wanted to fix this. Maybe just maybe. If I fix her gloves she'll be normal again. I waited for when she was catching her breath.

When the time comes I sprint to the area where I shreded it and quickly took it. I fixed it under my hand. But I didn't realize that a lightning was already aimed at me.

By the time I turned to run I was just send flying across the room and hit the wall hard. The impact was so hard that I felt my back ribs was fractured by the hard impact.

I fell hard on my face and tried to sit down. I manage to sit myself with the last energy I have. I was out of powers and stamina. No more running from me because I'm done.

She raise her hand high as a big cloud of thunder form in the ceiling of the practice room. It's a big stormy cloud with one struck I'm done for. She asked for my final words. Oh God please don't let her kill me.

I took a deep breath. It's now or never. I hoped it'll make her stop. I reach for my pockets. My hands were shaking as I hand her the gloves. She lend her hand down.

She lower her head down and crutched in front of me. She was confused and asked me how I did it. Hearing her talk makes me cry. I was scared to dead because I thought she was going to kill me.

But listening to her voice not in rage makes me cry. I quietly sobs and told her. It was the last of my energy and I use it to fix that. She wore her gloves still with no response.

Instead she went closer to me and to my surprise she hugged me. The way that she hugged me was like being hug by a cloud. It was comfy and warm. The warmth of her body made me cry even more. I could feel she wanted to let go so I hugged her tighter.

To make her stay. I started hyperventilating and panicking. She patted my back. She told me that she had forgiven me. It made me calm. I felt a weird warmth around her it somehow washes away the pain.

I just noticed that all this time the atmosphere has change. It was very quiet and heavy but at the same time calm. I felt so comfortable hugging her. Then I eventually let go.

I smiled a little bit to her with my bunny teeth showing. She hung her head low. Even though I couldn't see her face clearly but I could definitely tell she was blushing.

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