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That laugh that stupid laugh. Echoing through the factory. Spitting and mocking. And my parents just frozed up being drain in the chamber.

Why? Why can't I save them? That power it was so powerful. It was ripping through me. Earthquakes, thunderstorm and tornadoes. What am I? And what did I do to them?

Until now I never got a clue. Every nightmares are always the same but this one was different. Before I blacked out. I heard it, it was the sound of metals bending, crushing and shattering to pieces. Wait what was that?

Jeongyeon's POV

"Jeongyeon wake up! We gotta go home!" Jihyo shaken me.

Trying to wake me up. I was sweating again and breathing hard. Those nightmares are always the same. But that noise it was, different. Jihyo looked at me concerned. She wiped off my sweats with her hand towel.

"Another nightmare, Jeong?" I nodded to her and She pat my back. I'm still patting. It was so surreal.

"There, there Jeong you're save now." Jihyo added.

The bell has rung two minutes ago and it's time to go home. Mina and Sana was sitting behind us so they started asking question.

"It's okay just nightmares." I tried to convince them.

Of course they didn't buy it. What kind of person has a nightmare in the middle of school time. I don't want anymore questions from them. For me it's better to keep it in.

It's none of their business anyway. I packed my bag and went out of the classroom leaving them question. My nightmares are always the same.

I'll always end up sweating when I woke up. But the sound of metals is still ringing on my ears. What was that? Did that thunderstorm really struck that hard? I still don't have a clue.

"Hey snapped out of it! You're spacing out again Jeong." Jihyo snaps at me.

It's true I am spacing out. "Sorry." She looks concerned about me.

She quicken her pace to be infront of me and stop. "Seriously Jeong, You can tell me if something is wrong." She stated while putting her hands on her waist.

I fake smile "It's just another nightmare it's always like that. Now get a move on, I want to go home." I told her.

She sigh and stepped aside. We walk to the gate. To my surprise we didn't meet those goddesses or whatever they are. All I can see is they're limo parked infront of our BMW outside of the gate.

The driver waves at us "Come on girls, time go home." He stated and went in the driver seat.

We went inside and he started the engine and we left the gate. I took a glance over their Limo before leaving the gate. There were a shadow observing from the inside of the window. Guess they are watching us.

I turned away and rest my head on the back of the seat. Today was a whole another level. Never thought it would've been like this. But I don't bothered. The least I can do now is keep an eye for those girls.

I don't want anymore trouble with them and end up exploding for real. And I met some new dongsaengs. They're nice hope I get to see them again. I was spacing out when Jihyo broke the silence. She never seem to close her mouths huh.

Jihyo's POV

Jeongyeon is acting differently. Nightmares in the middle of a school. That's never happens before. She told me she only have nightmares when she's on her deep sleep.

Maybe it's because of what happened earlier it triggered the past. I felt sorry for her. For what her power does. We're on the same boat here.

I stared at her, she's spacing out again. "Hey Jeong." I broke the silence.

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