Chapter 9

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Panting, huffing, becoming exhausted from cradling the petite pink hedgehog in his arms for hours, Shadow tried to last long enough to at least get back to the small hole in the mountains that he used to call home.

Before those imbeciles came and ruined his life.

But shouldn't he be just as mad at Amy? Oh how hard he tried. He hated how a single glance caused his heart to explode out of his chest. He hated how a gentle brush across his arm sent his nerves tingling with euphoria. He hated how her warm breath from her quiet whimpers of pain gave him chill bumps.

And he especially hated how every time he felt bad and reassured her that they were getting closer, she snuggled closer to his chest.

But he couldn't ever find one single reason to hate her.

But oh how hard he tried.

Once again the girl shifted in his arms. Shadow instinctively held her closer to him, sheltering her from the wind. "We are almost there, Rose." She groaned softly in response. Shadow rolled his eyes, a annoyed reaction to his blush.

Someone like him shouldn't be experiencing these feelings. He didn't deserve this girl, especially with all of the trouble he has caused her friends. But he couldn't help smiling at the thought that he was the one rushing her to safety. He was her savior. He has come to her rescue twice.

Not Sonic.

And still his blood heated when he thought of that Faker. How could she even fall in love with someone like him? What did he ever do to win her heart, something he took for granted?

He was never better than Shadow.

He would never be better than Shadow.

And Shadow would not let that selfish, egotistical "hero" steal her away from him.

No matter how many times Shadow told himself he didn't want her in the first place.

He abruptly stopped, careful to make sure the shift in pace didn't upset the girl hurt in his arms. "Shadow...?" She quietly whimpered.

He looked dead ahead, determination in his eyes, but nonchalance on his face. "We're here."

Amy turned her head to stare at the side of a mountain, the base swarmed by thick bushes and covered in moss. It wasn't even climbable.

Amy looked up at Shadow. "Shadow, I don't think—"

The black hedgehog started walked to the side of the mountain until the world grew darker, lit only by dim candles that flickered to life only after they sat in darkness for a few moments. Amy blinked at the hideout base that looked like it hasn't been lived in for months. "Shadow, how—"

Shadow huffed, smirking at the hedgehog in his arms. "Fazing. Learned that trick a long time ago."

He instantly regretted what he did and said, and looked away from the most adorable stare of admiration Amy Rose had ever given.

Even though she was in pain, she was fascinated. Everything Shadow could do always left her in awe.

She grunted as he set her on a couch in the middle after removing a dusty blanket from it. He didn't think she would appreciate being thrown onto a dirty sofa, but she just wanted something soft to sink into.

She didn't mind cuddling up against Shadow for a few more hours.

But she knew she needed to stop moving and let Shadow work his magic. He would know what to do if something was wrong with her. And something clearly was. She couldn't inhale deeply, and her head was pounding like crazy. He was having side pain ever since she awoke back in her house, but now it really hurt. It hardly bothered her before, which made her think Eggman hardly harmed her in the first place.

Shadow took a deep breath and held his hands over Amy, allowing his fingers to become engulfed in a yellow light. Even though she wasn't afraid, Shadow still reassured her. "It's a rare healing technique that only few have mastered. It should stop the pain."

Amy did feel it working. Her aching muscles started to relax and her throbbing head slowly melted away. Before long she felt fine and sat up, allowing Shadow to drop his hands.

"Why did you help me?"

Shadow propped against the wall, smiling slightly. "I wasn't so sure before," he started, inching towards the hedgehog in front of him. "But I think I know now."

His hand went under her chin, pulling her gaze up into his eyes. His deep burning red irises melted her heart. She had dreamed of this happening with Sonic, but with Shadow...

"What is that reason?" She asked breathlessly, as Shadow's hand moved to cup her cheek.

Shadow leaned in, and she could feel his breath against her lips. He licked his in wanting. Tilting his head, he whispered, "Because... I think I love you."

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