Chapter 3

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The walk didn't take very long. Shadow saw the house in the distance, catching the glimmer of the moon off the roof. Even though Eggman was down, and probably would be for a while, Shadow stayed cautious, keeping to the darkness of the woods and picking his feet up as to not create any unwanted noise or attention.

He eventually stumbled through Amy's carefully organized garden, which led him right to her back door. Turning his body, he kept Amy's head propped up on his chest while reaching for the knob with his right hand. He turned it and stepped inside, shutting and locking it behind him. "There," he muttered, placing Amy on her living room couch. Shadow looked around; he didn't really the inside while searching for the pink hedgehog earlier: It honestly wasn't like anything he thought it would be. There were little decorations on every shelf and on top of every table. The walls were painted light grey, with a dark grey accent wall. Laminate floors were stretched across her living room , changing to stone in her kitchen. There was a large white rug in the center of the room to compliment the white couch. A flat screen television was on the same wall as the front door, and under it was a fireplace with a book stand on top.

Amy groaned and turned over, wrapping her arms around each other. Shadow walked off to find a blanket. Amy had an extra closet nearby, and inside was an ironing board, cleaning supplies, and living room blankets.

Shadow grabbed a fuzzy pink one and came back to the couch, laying it on top of the girl. Amy made no more movements and lay still. Shadow took notice of her calm face, and the way her chest rose and fell with each deep breath. It was strange how he didn't notice these subtle things before.

Shadow couldn't fight the smile forming on his lips.

He didn't even know why she made him smile. She was just asleep; she wasn't doing anything productive. Shadow shook his head. He needed to focus on more important things, not wondering if he had feelings or not.

"All she does for my benefit is annoy that Blue Faker," Shadow concluded. With a heavy sigh, he turned to leave through the front door.

Just as he reached for the handle, the door opened up, revealing Sonic on the other side. "Amy-" he started, but jumped back, startled by the black hedgehog before him. Sonic looked him up and down, a blush of embarrassment across his face. "What are you doing here, Shadow?" He said with a look of disgust.

Shadow rolled his eyes. "Tch. I don't think that's any of your business, Blue Boy."

Sonic growled. "Do you think you can just be in somebody's house without an explanation, Faker?"

Shadow furrowed his brows, enraged at the nickname. "If you must know, you insolent fool, I was rescuing Amy from Dr. Eggman, who is, by the way, extremely angry at the moment." Shadow left to push by Sonic and leave, but Sonic didn't budge.

"Do you have proof?" Sonic said with a threatening edge. Shadow turned around, walking back to Amy's room. Sonic followed closely, choosing to not believe his story.

Shadow picked up the paper off of the girls desk and shoved it into Sonic's furry chest. "This proof enough for you?"

Sonic glanced at the note, skimming through it twice, before setting it back down on the table. "And how do I know if you wrote this or not?" Sonic asked, unsure whether to trust the ultimate life form or not.

Shadow threw both hands on his head, combing through his quills. "Are you kidding me right now? I showed you the only proof I found in the house before I ran off to find her! What else do you want?"

Sonic stepped back into a fighting stance. "Why did you enter Amy's house in the first place?"

Shadow opened his mouth, but only air formed. Shadow blushed. This was something he couldn't explain, and wouldn't explain, to Sonic. Shadow bent down into a fighting stance himself, responding accordingly.

"Ask me one more question, and I'll blast you to the ends of the earth." Shadow had a deep growl in his throat, putting Sonic on edge, but the blue hedgehog didn't like the idea of his worst enemy sneaking into the house of the person he loved. Whatever Shadow was up to, he clearly didn't have good intentions. Sonic lunged, and the two collided, beginning a brawl in Amy's bedroom.

Authors note:
Okay guys sorry that this part isn't as long. I need to get this plot rolling and i didn't want two chapters in one ;) but I hope you guys are enjoying it so far!

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