Chapter 16: Surprise

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One month later...

It's been a month since my family came over and later that night, me and (Y/N) had the best sex of our lives. Even though it was the best sex ever, I don't feel right. I've actually been feeling weird since that night.

I would get nauseous sometimes and throw up. I would also get really tired easily and for some reason (Y/N) would smell funny after she takes a shower. Since I have no idea what is going on, I decided to talk to the girls about this.

We were actually all in the living room right now.

"What do you need, Jennie unnie?" Rosé asked.

"I'm not sure what's wrong with me." I said.

"What do you mean?" Jisoo asked.

"Well this pass month, I've been getting nauseous and throwing up all of a sudden. I get tired eariler than expected. I've been getting weird cravings and headaches and for some reason (Y/N) smells funny after taking a shower." I explained.

The girls looked at each other before looking back at me.

"When was the last time you and (Y/N) had sex?" Lisa asked.

"The day (Y/N) got her new haircut." I said. "Why?"

They looked at me like I'm missing something.

"What?" I said.

"Jennie, did it ever aquire to you that you might be pregnant?" Rosé asked.

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"What? That can't be true." I shouted.

"Why not?" Jisoo asked.

"Cause if the amount of times we did it, I didn't think I was capable of getting pregnant." I said.

"Let's go" Lisa said.

"Go where?" I asked.

"To the convenience store." Lisa said.

Lisa grabbed me wrist and dragged me to her car. We got in the car and Lisa drove us to the nearest convenience store.

At the convenience store...

We got out of the car and went inside the convenience store. Lisa dragged me to the back of the store until we reached the pregnancy test section.

"Really? Pregnancy tests?" I asked.

"What? You at least have to test it." Lisa said.

She looked through the different brands until she found one that she thought was the best one. We payed for it at the checkout and went back to her car.

"Are you gonna ask (Y/N) to be there with you when you take the test?" Lisa asked.

"No" I said.

"Why?" she asked.

"Cause (Y/N) said if I ever got pregnant, surprise her." I said.

"Okay. Want me to take you home?" she asked.

"Yes" I said.

Lisa started the car and drove me home.

At home...

I was now at home. I got out of Lisa's car and said thanks to Lisa.

"Thanks Lisa" I said.

"No problem, unnie." Lisa said.

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