The Closing Chapter

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Once we got home from the hospital we parted straight away, he went back up stairs and I was in the kitchen listening to Betty fuss over me as she made coffee,

"But it was nice of him to stay with you at the hospital wasn't it" she brought over my mug,

"What?" I snapped out of my zone and frowned,

"He said... wait, he wasn't with you was he?"

"You're damn right he wasn't! He told you he was coming to the hospital?"

"Yes, he took his keys and told me not to wait around because he was following you down to the emergency room"

"Where was he..?" I questioned myself, and then the thought of Kim ringing earlier came seeping into my angry thoughts,
"Kim's..." I looked at her and laughed a little in disbelief,

"What makes you think that?"

"She called earlier, wanting to talk with him, but he was asleep, told me Hailie was poorly"

"I don't think she'd be the place for him to go at a time like.." She stopped talking,

"Go where?" Marshall came into the kitchen,

"Not at the hospital that's for sure" I turned around on my seat to look at him,

"Betty would you give us a minute please" he ordered her away...

"So then, c'mon where was you? Because you sure as hell wasn't sat with me!"

"I had to clear my fuckin' head!" He shouted,

"And I just bet Kim welcomed you with open arms didn't she?"

"Oh hereee we fuckin' go! Thinkin' I been messin' around on you while you're up in the hospital. Yo you know what when you said your head was twisted you was fuckin' right"

"You're lying! I know you're lying! You get defensive just like that when you're covering something! I am not stupid!"

"What's it gotta do with you where I go when you was gonna pick up and take off any-fuckin-way?! Don't give me that shit!"

"So you admit it?!"

"Yeah I went to Kim's, what's the fuckin' deal? is that what you wanted to hear?!"

"I knew it! I absolutely knew it! You put me in hospital and then you go around to your ex wife's and make out to Betty you're being the doting boyfriend?! You're unbelievable Marshall!!"

"I dont gotta explain myself but I wasn't fucking around on you! The fuck do you take me for?!"

"Tonight is the last straw. I am done!"

"You're done?" He sarcastically laughed,

"I am, tomorrow I'm packing! You can't just go running back to her any-fucking-time we hit the rocks! How do you not understand that this is not okay?"

"You think.. you're just gonna lay it out to me like that? Wise up" he tutted at me,

"Yes I fucking do! Put yourself in my shoes!"

"Oh you mean like the time I caught you in a restaurant with you ex who brought all that shit to my house?!"

"That isn't the same and you know it" I walked past him,

"Did I say we're done?!" He followed me,

"Sorry since when do I need your permission to end a discussion?"

"You ain't leaving I won't let you do that!" He grabbed my wrist on my uninjured arm,

"Haven't you learnt your fucking lesson?!" I snatched my arm away,
"Stop putting your arms on me!"

Meeting Marshall Mathers: The Slim Shady EraWhere stories live. Discover now