"No, you won't." He interrupted her sternly and gave the packet back to the cashier.

Seulgi rolled her eyes and just payed for the food since she didn't want to spare any time arguing with him. She grabbed the bag and bowed slightly to the cashier before walking out of the store, ignoring the guy that was now hurrying to catch up with her.

"What were you thinking?!"

"I thought we had a deal," she replied as she turned around to face him, but backed a bit as she felt his hands on top of her head.

"What do you think you're doing?!" she snarled at him and immediately grabbed the scarf that was covering her head and face and tossed it back to him.

"What do you think you're doing? You do know that you just tried to buy cigarettes without having your face covered, right? Someone could've seen you and post a picture on the internet or something!" he whisper shouted at her.

"Why do you care?" she hissed.

"If you have already forgotten, we're actually fake dating and your actions will affect me as well," he told her which caused her to snort.

"I knew you caring about me was too good to be true," she muttered while narrowing her eyes at him.

"Oh so now you suddenly want me to care about you," he scoffed.

"Don't worry, I won't ruin your perfect reputation." She quickly assured him as she didn't want to continue the conversation they were having.


Both of them turned to the way were the voice was coming from and saw Youngho running towards them. When he reached them he bent down and placed his hands on his thighs while panting heavily.

"Here," he breathed out while handing his phone to her.

She furrowed her eyebrows at him before looking at the caller ID and immediately pursed her lips as she put the phone by her ear.


"Seulgi why the hell aren't you home yet?! And why didn't you answer your phone?!"

"I was just going home," she responded softly as she scratched her nape.

"Were you going to walk home?!" she heard Joohyun screech. "When it's this dark outside?!"

"It's not that long too walk," she reasoned and noticed Taeyong whispering something to Youngho before walking away.

"Let me talk to Youngho," Joohyun told her and she immediately gave the phone back to him.

"Yeah?" Youngho said and Seulgi waited patiently for him to finish the call while watching Taeyong walking back to the building behind him. She then turned back to look at the stack with cigarette packets through the big glass windows, but immediately shook her head and turned back to Youngho.

"Alright, we'll be there soon," he said and hung up. "Damn, she's really on a bad mood today," he whispered and put the phone in his pocket.

"But you still like her, don't you?" Seulgi teased as she nudged him slightly with her elbow.

"I do," he smiled before reaching for something in his other pocket. "Here," he said as he handed her a face mask. "She told me to walk you home and I don't want people to start rumours of you cheating on Taeyong with me or something," he chuckled and she accepted the face mask and put it on.

"Thanks," she smiled and they began walking away from the building.

"So, did you and Taeyong make up or something?" he asked her.

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