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He was claded in all black. A black woolen sweater with a pair of ripped jeans, his eyes were hidden under a cap and a black mask was covering his face. He entered a dark alley following the address he got half an hour ago. He tried looking for someone in the darkness but couldn't find anyone. He went to the very end of the alley where he saw dumpster and a small figure crouched down next to it. The person was facing towards the wall as if trying to block everything away. He gently put his hand on the person's shoulder. The same girl from the bus, the one who called him earlier turned around with scared eyes. 

"Ci...city bus??", her voice cracked at the end.

"Yes it's me", he pulled away his hand. She stood up and turned to him completely. After tapping on her phone a few times she turned on the flashlight as if to make sure he actually was the same guy. He indeed, she recognized from the silver rings he had on his fingers. She sighed in relief.

"Gwenchanayo? (Are you alright?)", he asked her. She bobbed her head up and down.

"Yes I'm fine. Thank you so much for coming over. I..I got your number from..no actually the bus driver asked me t..", he cut her off.

"Relax. You're fine which is what matters the most at the moment. Let's get some food to warm you up and you can tell me everything in detail. Hm??", he said very slowly emphasizing on each word as if she was a 5 year old and not a grown up lady. At that moment she did look like a scared kid.

"O..okay", she agreed to his offer because her stomach was empty since morning and also because the cold weather and all the running made her dizzy and dead tired.


"Ahjumma one guksu please", they were seated in a small noodle shop. The clock on the wall showed it was close to midnight. The ahjumma was about to close the shop when they entered which is why no one was there except for them. 

He pulled down his mask a little bit but still had his cap on. She, on the other side of the table was quietly looking at a spot on the table, deep in thought. After a few moments of silence.
"So what's your name?", he asked after clearing his throat.

"It's min ju. Kim min ju", she replied quietly still looking down out of habit.

"Nice name. I'm Pa..", he was interrupted by the ahjumma who placed a bowl of piping hot noodle soup on the table. 

"Kindly don't mind but if you'd be a bit quick. My granddaughter is home alone. She will be waiting for me", the old lady said with a slight bow.

"Ah yes yes. We'll be quick", he pushed the bowl towards her.

"I had my dinner it's for you", he said. She was a bit hesitant but started eating the noodles. She felt her body getting warm as the food entered her system. She didn't even remember the last time she had a proper meal. All she was eating were kimbap rolls and ramyeon from the convenient store.

When he saw her being shy he told her that he'll wait outside the shop while she finishes up. She nodded without looking up at him. He pulled up his mask and went to pay the ahjumma before exiting the shop. After 5 minutes he heard the door opening. A small figure came and stood next to him. 

"Thank you for the food", min ju said in a small voice. He smiled which was hidden behind the mask.

"How about you tell me what happened while I walk you home?", he asked her. She hesitated a bit before replying.

"I...can't go home. They know my address", she replied quietly.

"Who?", his eyebrows were furrowed in confusion. She was quiet.

"Let's go sit on that bench and you'll tell me what happened so I can help you. Okay?", he pointed towards a bench in the park in front of the noodle shop. She nodded in response.


After she told him what happened at work and how she got his number. He was quiet and confused. He didn't know what to do with a young girl who was his responsibility at the moment. 

"Do you have any relatives or friends where I can take you?", he asked her with some hope. She shook her head from side to side. He tried thinking of another way when she said.

"I can go to a sauna for the night. I'll do something for myself tomorrow", she suggested.

"No no no that's not possible. Not when those scary people are out there looking for you. Wait a bit I'll think of something."he said. He felt himself shiver from the cold.

They had been sitting on the cold bench for about 20 minutes and even though the sweater he was wearing was warm but he still felt cold in it. When he looked over at her. She had her hands clasped in between her legs and head low, deep in thought. He sighed at her sight. 

"It's really cold out here. Let's go to my place. I'm sure my brothers will come up with a solution", he suggested hesitantly. She stiffened but before she could say anything. He added, "We might get sick if we keep sitting here in the cold. Also I can't think of anything right now but I'm sure my brothers will be able to help. And don't worry they're really really really good people. They won't harm you in any way. I assure you."

She didn't know what to do. She was hesitant but he seemed like a good person and she kinda believed whatever he said. She had nowhere to go at the time. So she agreed but very quietly added the police station number in speed dial in case anything happened. She also knew a few kicks that he taught her. 

"Okay then let's go", he was thankful that she agreed.


After walking for some time they entered the posh area of the city. It was really cold and he wanted to get home already. He suggested that they take a taxi but she refused. She felt more safe walking. They were quiet all the way home. She was thinking about what happened all day long and how much she missed him. He would be proud of me for fighting for myself right?
The guy next to her though had something else on his mind. He was thinking of how he'd explain the whole situation to his brothers once they get home. Where did he leave to in such a hurry and who was the girl he brought home?

"We're almost there", he said once they entered the familiar street. They walked a bit before stopping in front of a big house. He searched for his keys in his pocket but couldn't find them.

"Ahhh I think I forgot my keys in a hurry", he said. He moved to ring the bell. After a minute a deep voice came through the device. 

"Who's this?"

"Taehyung-ah it's me Jimin. Open the door. It's really cold out here", he replied. For the first time Min ju looked up at the guy standing next to her. All she ever looked at were his hands. She never bothered looking up at his face until she heard the familiar names and now that she thought about it. His voice was awfully familiar but she never paid much attention to it.

"Why are you ringing the bell? Where are your keys?", taehyung's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. She quickly looked down to hide her surprised face. Thankfully Jimin was looking at the door so he didn't see her face.

"Yaaa open the door already. I'm freezing here", Jimin literally yelled at his friend-brother. 

"Oh yeah I'm sorry. Come in", taehyung replied before pressing the open button.

As the gate opened Jimin gestured for min ju to enter first. She never thought that the people who helped her when she was close to ending her life. The people who taught her to believe in herself. The people who helped her to move on with her life. The people she listened to everyday to help her go to sleep. The people who help her get through the day when she misses him too much and she thinks she can't take it anymore. Those people will be the ones to save her once again. She never thought she'd ever meet them let alone like this. She was shocked, nervous but most of all she was happy that she got a chance to thank them in person.

She was happy for the chance to meet her saviors, her bangtan seonyeondan.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2019 ⏰

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