fifteen hundred miles

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I watched you fall asleep last night

from 1500 miles away

your eyes fluttered opened and shut, open and shut, staying closed for longer each time

and your breathing slowed as your heart did

you spoke to me sleepily, your voice rough and low and so fucking lovely

and my heart almost hurt

from all the feeling that filled my veins

I said as much, and you told me softly,

"it's called love, you dork"

and I suppose it is

love is watching you fall asleep

from so very far away

love is aching to slip into slumber by your side

and hoping wishing wanting craving

for the day when that happens every night

and love is so very full

so very soft

but it makes my throat close up

and tears press on the backs of my eyes

as my chest aches with desire

and it feels so lovely

coming so undone

by just watching you breathe

and I know

you're the only one for me, my love

so sleep well

and talk to me again tomorrow

I'll wait for you

and hopefully tonight

I'll dream of you too

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