didn't know my heart could hurt this bad

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I miss you.

God, I miss you.

I'm sitting on the edge of my bed, staring at the painting we made together and crying. I miss when we were so close and I didn't know how lucky I was to have you beside me and now you're so far away and it hurts because you've always been there for me and I can't even talk to you and I know if you were here you'd wrap your arms around me and let me cry, but all that's here is my fairy lights and paintings on my wall and they don't care about me or love me like you do. I would trade anything to be next to you in your arms right now, and I mean anything. I miss you so, so much and it's not fair that we have to be apart because we weren't supposed to be, we are supposed to do great things and be great together and all I have is my empty room. 

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