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Smoke in the attic



Electrified urgency

Ribcage cracking

Splintering under the

Weight of the terror


Breathe, damn you!

Heart constricting


Buzzing in my ears

A nest of hellish hornets

Fracturing my consciousness

I can't think

I can't breathe

I can't hear

I can only watch as

My soul is consumed

By the beasts in my mind

I am the dark in the forest

I am the reason your heart races

I am what you see in the corner of your eyes

I am Fear

I am Terror

I live inside the minds of the strong

And prey on the sanity of the weak

They say fear is irrational

But I am here to tell you

They are wrong.

His arms encircle me

Constricting my heart

Splintering my ribcage

In an encompassing blanket.

His breath whistles in my ear

His fingers in my mind

Extending his ice cold claws

Filling my body with dark water

He speaks, and I fear for my life

Piece by piece

My sanity chips away

As I yield

To the fear

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