to the one who loved me before I was ready

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when we were young

you and I fit like the perfect rhyme

when we were young

I thought about you all the time

before we grew up

your name slid easily off my tongue

before we grew up

we used play and laugh in the sun

when we were kids

I never thought I would lose you

when we were kids

you always said you loved me too

now that we're grown

I don't even recognize your face

now that we're grown

in my heart you have no place

because we grew up

we grew farther apart

because we grew up

we have no love left to impart

now that I'm older

for some reason I can clearly see

now that I'm older

I know we weren't meant to be

after all these years

I barely think of you

after all these years

I think you've forgotten me too

it's almost as if

we never existed

I never expected this

for our fates to be twisted

but somehow I don't care

and I don't think you do either

I guess that's fair

and my heart is lighter

when we were young

when we were kids

when our songs had not been sung

when all I knew was this

I don't think I was happy

and I don't think you were either

and as sad as that might be

now my soul soars higher

so goodbye

my childhood love

and I don't know why

but when push comes to shove

I leave you.

and you left me

and I think it's true

when I say I am never what you wanted me to be.

so this is me saying goodnight

this is me finally giving up the fight. 

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