This is my idea/2p Romano

Start from the beginning

My lips twisted in disgust making my little brother turn away with a satisfied smirk.

"vaffanculo, cretin." I spit at him.

His head shoots in my direction with a glare, and Nonno grins a little.
"Watch your mouth." he say halfheartedly.

I roll my eyes, and lean back with a sigh.

This is not fun.

The weather outside the little carriage was peaceful. Not too hot, with a nice breeze that dances with the flowers.

I would consider this a perfect day if it weren't for her.
My future wife.

Last year it was announced that me and her were going to marry when we were older. The purpose of it was wealth.

Nonno's work in the military, as well as his underground drug trade system has provided our family with tons of money.

(Yn)'s mother was the most respected seamstress in the empire. She often found herself hired by the nobles, all which paid a good sum of money for her work.

What better way to make more money than by combining two large sums?
How should that be done?

Arranged marriage.

Of course it didn't matter that it wasn't consensual, as long as it provided the money.

I despised her.
She was stuck up, and unladylike. Her hair was a disgusting shade of (hc), and her (ec) a dull color.
Her clothes were always horrendous.

She was ugly, and rude.

I never want to marry her...

It was just my luck when another carriage arrived.

An older woman stepped out, adorned in a lavish royal blue dress, that was laced with gold.
Her graying hair was pinned up tightly, and very neatly, all held together by a bejeweled hair piece.

She walked with a strong stance, full of confidence, and pose.
It was truly beautiful.

Being her followed a young girl, no older than me, (yn).

Her (hc) hair flowed over her shoulders, her bangs held back by a simple little clip.
Her attire was nothing in comparison to her mothers, just a simple (fc) gown.

He face was round, and dotted with light freckles, and her eyes looked around cautiously.

I wrinkled my nose in disgust.
She was definitely not beautiful.

(Yn), and her mother waited, and my brother, and Nonno got out of our carriage. I remained seated.

I didn't want to face her.

"Flavio." Nonno said, "come."
"No." I say simply.
"Flavio." he repeats.

I huff, "I have no interest in that ragazza patetica."

Nonno grabbed my arm, and drug me out of the carriage, pushing me forward.

I gave him a dirty look before turning to the two girls infront of me.

(Yn)'s mother gave me a polite smile, but (yn) herself gave me a twisted look of hate.
I returned it with pleasure.

We spent a few moments glaring at one another, silently expressing our hate towards one another, before Nonno nudged my shoulder.

"Buongarino," I say giving a bow.
Nonno nudged me again, and i gave him a look that said I didn't want to do anymore.

He returned my stare with one of his own, and I sighed in defeat.

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