Dollhouse/2p FACE

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Song: Dollhouse
Melanie Martinez

Character:Francisco Bonnefoy/ 2pFrance
Allen F Jones/2pAmerica
James (Mathieu) Williams/ 2pCanada (Matt for short)
Oliver Kirkland/2pEngland

Warnings: This whole damn thing is a triggering sin! I need something better to do with my life...


***Reader-chan is the little sister of the 2pFACE family, this not a romantic part at all.
***Thank you Himitsui for suggesting Melanie's songs. They had completely slipped my mind. And sorry it took so long.


Hey girl, open the walls, play with your dolls

We'll be a perfect family

When you walk away, it's when we really play

"Would you like some tea, Mr. Bear?" I ask the stuffed bear that sat across from me on the pastel pink carpet. I could see my reflection in the black, glassy eyes of the ragged toy. One of the eyes had been ripped, and there was a pink and purple patch on it stomach. Dad had done a good job at fixing the toy after big brother Allen ripped him.

I looked around at my array of stuffed toys. A little white bunny that was missing a glassy, red eye. A homemade rag doll with (h/c) yarn hair, and (e/c) beads for the eyes. Lastly, a little stuffed cat that was missing it right front leg. They were my friends. And honestly the closet thing I had to a happy family.

They didn't drink brandy, or whiskey. They didn't smoke that disgusting stuff my big brothers Allen and Matt did. They didn't cheat on dad or hurt people. They were happy and normal.

You don't hear me when I say,

Mom, please wake up

Dad's with a slut, and your son is smoking cannabis

I poured the 'tea' into a chipped porcelain cup that daddy had got me for my birthday. I feel a weight build up in my stomach as I heard the front door open, and close.

Giggles could be heard echoing through the house as, and I knew they didn't belong to dad.

I slowly crept from my room, and down the hall. I heard coughing, and looked over into big brothers' room. The room was smoky as he sat at his desk taking draws from his joint. Matt sat on the bed fixing his bob wired hockey stick.

Allen gave me a side glance with a crooked grin, "sup, sis. Wanna join?"

I shook my head shyly as Matt slapped Al with the hockey stick, "Dumbass, don't offer that to you little sister."

The two began fighting, and I quickly rushed down the stairs.

I peeked around the corner of were the hall connected to the living room. Papa stood there with a woman. His mouth on hers, as she pressed against him tugging on his messy blonde hair.

This woman wasn't dad..

I made my way to the kitchen quietly finding dad asleep at the table holding a whiskey glass in his hand.

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