I Wish You Liked Girls/Nyo! America

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Song: I wish you liked girls
Abbey Glover

Character:Nyo! America/ Amelia F Jones

Warnings: Feels?
Definitely the Gay.


(Prussia-Julchen Maria Beilschmit)

(Denmark- Mette Køhler)

(N. Italy- Alicia Vargas)

//Not canon names, I dont even know if they have canon names, theses are just by personal preference from the ones given by people in the fandom.


"Heyyy, (n/n)" Amelia yelled as she threw her arm around my shoulder.

I blushed as she pressed up against me. Not that I didn't like it, but how would someone act of your crush pushed up against them?

"H-hi" I stuttered out.

Shit, stop stuttering!

"Wanna come get some drinks with me and the awesome trio?"

Yes, because what I need is a drunk Amelia to be over friendly. Hell no, I'm smarter than that!

"Im a bit busy actually, " I said pulling away from the awkward side hug she had me in, "maybe next time-"

"Aww, you're no fun," She whined pouting.

"Im sorry, Amy" I said scratching the back of my neck.

"Come on, just this once" Amelia batted long dark lashes, her sky blue eyes glittering.

I blushed looking away with an awkward laughing with a smile, "O-okay, I guess if its just this once"

"I knew you'd come around, (n/n)!" Amelia yelled throwing her arms around my shoulders.

I tensed up, but hugged her back. My arms going around her midsection, as I buried my face in her blonde hair. I smiled as the scent of her shampoo filled my nose.

Amelia pulled away quickly, a goofy grin plastered on her beautiful face, "I'll pick ya up 8, k?"

I nodded, returning her smile, "alright!"

I waved to her as she left. When I was sure she was gone I fell onto my couch screaming into one of the pillows.

So much for being 'smarter than that'

Why does it hurt so bad? Why didn't she see that I liked her more than a friend?

To me she's everything. My best friend, my confidant...

She is everything I've ever wanted, everything thought I needed...

So why can't she see I could be like that to her?

***8:00 pm***

I slid into the passenger side of Amelia's jeep. (I don't know what kind of car America drives)

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