Waiting For Superman/America

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Song: Waiting for Superman

Character:America/Alfred F Jones

Warnings: none


She's watching the taxi driver, he pulls away

She's been locked up inside her apartment a hundred days

"Promise you'll be home soon?" you asked anxiously as you gazed at the blonde American on your laptop screen.
"I swear, " he responded with a large grin, "its only a little bit, just remember to met me at Arthur's bar around six, okay?"
I nodded with a smile, "Of course, Al"

You smiled at him as he kissed his fingertips and pressed them to his screen, you copying the action, placing yours on his lips.

"(Yn)," Alfred said with a happy yet sad grin, "Wait for me, okay?"

"Always" you say a bit defeated. He had been gone for weeks, and everytime he says he's coming home, he winds up staying in Washington longer.

He smiled, his blue eyes reflecting the screen glow, "I promise, your hero's coming home.."
"I hope so," you smile even though your heart sinks.

"Love ya, babe" he says making a heart with his hands. He gave another breath taking smile, as you copied his actions.
"I love you too"

When the call officially ended you closed your laptop and laid your head on your folded arms with a sigh.
It wasn't fair... But he had to do his job.

What is happening you ask?

Your awaiting the return of your  boyfriend, Alfred F. Jones. He has been called into work for important business, leaving you in the New York alone for weeks, never knowing when he can come home. Even on your anniversary he wasn't there with you.

Today was supposed to be a good day that was filled with love, not loneliness. You were supposed to wake up in your lovers arms, feeling refreshed after a good nights rest. Maybe share a quick shower or bath together, and eat microwaveable waffles on the couch while rewatching the superhero movies Alfred kept.

You were supposed reenacted the kiss scenes of Louis lane and Superman. After all, Alfred was your hero.

All these things seem so small and unimportant to most people. But these are the things that made life worth living for you. Just be able to share those small moments with your dorky lover was a dream

But all the lovable fun was canceled thanks to your boyfriends boss calling. Now you had to spend the day of your anniversary alone.

He promised to be home, but you knew how he could get. He'd get caught up in something he found interesting, and forget completely... And all you could do was hope that won't happen today.

All you could do was wait until six later today. But time seem to drag on and on. Soon a few hours felt like years spent in the apartment.
Watching movies, and cleaning. It seemed like it would never be six o'clock.

She says, "yeah, he's still coming, just a little bit late

He got stuck at the laundromat washing his cape"

She's just watching the clouds roll by and they spell her name like Lois Lane

And she smiles, oh the way she smiles

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