Clara turned to Claytin and kissed him. "You know Shane is still here right?" Claytin asked. "Yeah but I get to hear him and Charlene talk all weird and sweet, he can deal with it," Clara said kissing him again before turning to Shane. "So, I've been meaning to ask. You said you killed your dad, is he still in the Soul Realm then or what?" Shane sighs, takes off his cap, and sits down. "I was really hoping that you wouldn't bring it up. Facilier is dead. Like, proper dead. No Soul Realm, nothing," he says. Clara nodded. "Well, that is good I guess. And now, here is the big thing, what are you planning with my father? Because I don't know if I am capable of killing him." Clara asked sitting next to him. "Trust me, it was really hard for me to kill Facilier. Remember when we were by the Voodoo Emporium and I basically broke down?" "Of course I remember but Facilier didn't raise you and you weren't a villain by his side. I am not saying it wasn't hard but your relationship with your dad is different them mine with my father." Clara said. "Can we worry about this later? We have a wedding to plan, hate to ask Shane but can you grab Char and Tina. Clara and I do want to see if they can help." Claytin asked. "I also have an important question for Charlene," Clara added. Shane puts his cap back on and nods his head. "Yeah, I'll go and get them," he says.

   Shane enters a portal to Tiana's Place. Charlene is usually there by this time. "Tina, Char, I need you," he says upon arrival. "Sure thing, Shane. C'mon, Char," Tina says, grabbing Charlene. "Here's your mirror back," says Charlene, returning Shane's mirror. "Thanks, Char." Tina, Charlene, and Shane walk back through the portal and arrive back in the cabin.

   "I always forget how quick it takes him to do that," Clara says standing up. "Clara and I have been talking and well, she doesn't trust many people but she does trust you two. Tina, could you do the catering for the wedding and Charlene, could you be the wedding planner? You would take care of the decorations and stuff." Claytin asked. Tina smiles. "Sure thing! Just give me a recipe and the ingredients, and I can make anything!" Charlene hugs Clara. "Thanks for letting me do what I never thought I'd be able to do! Planning a wedding! Ooh!" she says, her voice breaking with certain words. "Hugging, being touched. Ok, this needs getting used to..." Clara said putting her hands up some. Claytin swallowed a laugh. "Anyways, that's not it. Char, first of all, I need help choosing a dress because I got no wedding fashion, I had planned never to get married only a week ago. Also... will you be my... maid of honor?" Clara asked awkwardly. She looked to Shane, "Don't you dare laugh at my awkwardness Shane Facilier!"Shane shrugs. "Okay. Obviously, the dress needs to be white for you, Clara, but we'll definitely have a purple and lavender dress code for everyone attending. And Claytin, if you want me to implement some of your favorite color into it, I'll do that, too," says Charlene. "Honestly, purple and yellow are my favorites," Claytin said. "I have to run and fix things with the Court. Love you, princess," he kissed Clara and left quickly. Clara gave a small blush. "Did... did he just call you 'Princess'? Ugh," says Charlene, shuddering. "Oh, I haven't told you guys. Well, Clopin is the King of the Gypsies so that makes Claytin the Prince of the Gypsies and once I marry him... guess who is becoming a princess...." Clara laughed nervously. "Aww! How cute! But I was referring to the fact that he called you 'Princess', not the possibility that you are a princess," says Charlene. "I feel you, Char. So gross," says Shane. Clara rolled her eyes. "He is just trying to get me used to hearing it when referring to me. And you guys aren't any better with the darlin's left and right." Clara got up and got another beer and looks to Shane. "If someone told me when I was younger that I would become a princess of something, I'd laugh in their face, probably stab them too. Lord, Princess Clara of the Gypsies. No wonder father was so angry..." Speaking of, don't you think he'd find out about your wedding somehow?" Tina asks. "Yeah, because I'm pretty sure that he has means of finding stuff out," says Charlene. Clara gave a small laugh. "Your a little late." She pulled her hair back to where she was branded. She didn't have Shane heal that, she just had him heal her flogging scars. "I was trapped in a church for days. Trust me, avoid being flogged and branded. It doesn't feel so good. The only problem is keeping him away from the wedding. If he does show up, I'll have my dagger at the ready." "Yeah. And we'll be there, too," says Shane. "Thanks, if all goes well, neither of my parents will be present and no one gets stabbed," Clara said taking a sip of beer. "On a scale of one to ten, what's the chances Claytin will agree to let there be alcohol do you think?" Shane, Tina, and Charlene all glance at each other, then at Clara, and say, "Zero." I'm going to have to stock up for afterward then," Clara laughed. "Just for the record, if things do get crazy, I'll have Roma at the ready. She'll be in New Orleans somewhere, but I'll have a portal bring her," says Shane. "She won't stand up to my father, you know that. She says she will but she won't. Besides, my father is not only hunting me, but he is also hunting her. But... does anyone else hear that?" Clara said.

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