Off World Pt. 3

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Laster chapter

I was falling yet again, but this time it wasn't a short distance or into something that would save my life. I was falling to my death.


Tanji's pov⇁

It had been about 20 minutes and I was still falling. I had stopped screaming 5 minutes ago after I realized I hadn't hit the ground yet. I figured in that scene in Spy Kids 2 this is what that felt like. Even though this was happening in real time and that scene was staged, tho it was still cool. Anyway, I turned myself in the air as I fell to face downward so I could see what was coming and if there was anything that I could grab onto. Sadly I had no such luck.

Suddenly I saw the ground appear after only seeing either clouds, the purple sky, or the mountain. I braced myself for impact, but it didn't happen. I opened my eyes to see that I had fell through a hole. I was now underground sliding threw one of the holes. I came to a stop in the middle of a large area that oddly enough had furniture and other types of items in it.

"Honey! The human girl is here!" I heard a women yell.

As shaken as I was, I got up quickly ready to defend myself if need be as I faced where the voice had came from. Two figured stepped into the light. The male was very handsome and had red, pink, and white skin. The women was also very beautiful and had blue, purple, yellow, and gray skin. They were both dressed in a part of sweatpants but the man was wearing a black short sleeve t-shirt and the women a black tank top. My arms dropped to my side as I stared at the two completely confused trying to figure out what was going on.

"Don't worry Tanji, we won't harm you. Plus if we did our son would be furious with us. Please sit. We have much to discuss." The man stated as he and his wife sat down at the table.

I nodded slowly, then walked over to the table and sat down. This was going to be interesting.

Mark's pov—

Jackson and I waited to see who would arrive first. I, of course knew it was Tanji, however I also felt some bad vibes coming from that girl Kiana. So I wasn't sure what was going to happen. Just as I finished my thought Kiana came running towards up, but I couldn't see Tanji and I instantly knew something was wrong. There was no way Tanji wouldn't be close behind if not first. I looked over at Jackson and his face was as serious as mine so I figured he was thinking the same thing.

"Kiana where is Tanji?" JB asked concerned.

"S-she fell o-over the s-s-side of that m-mountain." Kiana stuttered as tears fell down her face.

"WHAT!?" Jackson and I exclaimed at the same time.

"How did that happen!?" JB said walking over to her.

Kiana explained that a dragon appeared on the mountain that Tanji and herself were on. That the dragon put up a fight for the last item that they needed to get and that Tangi was blown over the edge by the huge gust of wind that came from the dragon's wings. JB slightly consoled Kiana before letting her couches tend to her wounds.

"Can I see you two for a moment." JB asked calling me and Jackson to the side.

"What is is J?" I asked trying to keep my emotions at bay.

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