Off World Pt. 1

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Tanji's pov⇁

"We are on a spaceship again why?" I asked looking around curiously.

"JB said something about the final challenge being off world. So here we are, sitting in a spaceship ready for take off." Mark answered.

"I'm only asking cause the last time you we were on a ship you had me train on some planet for hours." I said shivering at the thought.

"I forgot about that! Boy has time flown by!" Jackson exclaimed as Mark started chuckling.

I could tell he started remembering the moment and broke into a fit of laughter. Sometimes I wonder if they tortured me with all that training just to be able to look back and laugh at it now. I sure wasn't laughing, that training was hard. Especially since I had never workout in all of my adult life.

While Mark was laughing the rocket started shaking and the screen turn on showing JB just chillin in what looked like a beach chair.

"I hope you all are ready for this final challenge! It's going to be a wild one. More details will be provided once you land safely onto Planet Dionysus. I am already here getting the challenge set up. So buckle up if you already aren't, and enjoy the 2 hour long flight. See you all soon!"

JB waved before the screen turned black and our ship shook even more than before. Before I could even brace for take off the ship launched into space and headed towards the planet we were going to have the last challenge of the Olympic games. The more I thought about it the more I realized just how fast time had actually gone. Of course there were more than one days to rest and what not, but it's really just now sinking in just how long I've been hanging out with aliens. Talk about a wild story to explain to my best friend once all of this is over. Yes I still have my phone, yes I can keep it charged here, and yes I am able to get a connection and talk to Lexi.

"You guys named a plant after the wine god in greek mythology?" I asked now registering the name of our destination.

"Yeah what else should you call a planet that is just full of all things purple? And has the best grapes ever to make wine?" Jackson asked me.

"Good point. But what kind of challenge can you have on a planet like that then?" I stated raising an eyebrow.

"Well if I had to guess they could easily have you do a scavenger hunt. Like Jackson said, the whole planet is different shades of purple including the animals and even the sky changes shades. It would be pretty hard to find anything out of place at first glance." Mark said nodding as if he was certain that was going to be the exact challenge.

"Hmm, well that would be kind of fun. You know as long as there isn't random surprises that the kings decided to throw in there." I said.

"Those boys are the kings of unpredictability. Random runs through their veins. There will most definitely be some surprises." Jackson said with Mark nodding in agreement.

"Speaking of which, how are you feeling about all of this? If you win, you'll be getting married." Mark asked looking at me.

I opened my mouth to answer when the ship took a sudden and sharp turn. I closed my mouth for a second praying that we didn't die before getting to that planet. I was not wanting to make it this far to end up dying due to a self driving spaceship. On my to do list in life, that wasn't on it. Mark did ask a good question since I hadn't really thought about it. I went from being scared to have the time of my life with these aliens. I don't think I want to lose. Plus getting to know Namjoon other than those 2 occasions actually caused me to develop genuine feelings for the guy.

"I never really thought about it. After getting to know the both of you goofballs and getting to know Namjoon and his brothers, I don't think I could go back to living a normal human life. I have come to care about you and Jackson deeply and I developed genuine feelings for Namjoon. Getting married to him isn't bad at all." I answered confidently.

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