I Thought It Was Bromance

Start from the beginning

I woke up to the alarm on my phone going off. It was Friday morning. I guess Bucky and I were a little too cozy sleeping last night. I chuckled

"What's so funny?" Bucky asks in a tired voice sitting up on his elbows

"I guess we slept a little too much as it's Friday and we have school in an hour," I smile at him

"We took a nap yesterday at around 8 am to 2 pm and then we got here around 3 am, so yeah I'd say we slept a little too much," He laughs

"Well then let's get through today and go on our bromantic date," I say wiggling my eyebrows.

"Very bromantic," he smirks

"I hope so. I mean if we keep having this bromance we can't have a cheap bromantic date," I joked. We burst out laughing.

"You're such a weirdo," he says still laughing

"Okay goofy let's get ready,"  I said

"Do we have to," I groaned 

"Yes, now get up or I'll take your hair ties and snap them all," I smirked

"You wouldn't dare," he said squinting his eyes at me. I ran to his dresser and grabbed a box of them.

"Come and get it," I sang. I ran out the door and rushed past people and he chased after me. Everyone was confused as they saw Bucky with his shoulder-length brown hair down as it was always back in a bun. I jumped off Tony and past the other boys' dorms and ran into my own. I then hid the box just before Bucky barged in.

"Where is it?" He growled

"I don't know," I shrugged

He crept up to me and started tickling me. I then began bursting into laughter and it sounded a little bit as if I was dying. Sam ran into the room to see if I was okay, which I wasn't as I was being tickled to death but he just shook his head and walked the other way.

"U- Uncle," I yelped. Bucky finally stopped. I then took in a big gulp of air and let it out. I pointed at a Wolverine poster on my desk and he looked under it and took out the box of hair ties. He ruffled my hair and walked out.

Later at school, we hung out 24/7. The whole day we were practically inseparable. We were just two bros with their bromance getting ready for a bromantic date. I laughed at my self. I really like Bucky. He's honestly amazing.

~~~ Time skip to the end of le school ~~~

"Come on let's go!" I smile as I drag Bucky out of the school

"Ok. Ok. I'm coming," He chuckled

"Ok then," I say turning to him, "how about we race to the dorms?"

"Oh I'm in," he grinned, "3... 2...1!"

With my superpower, I can run a lot faster than him, which I think he forgot about. I laughed as I was about 10 feet in front of him, but he was still chasing me. I jumped over Clint then slid under T'challa's legs. I grabbed Wanda's shoulders and then jumped over her. I ran the rest of the way with Bucky quite far behind me. I then got to Bucky's room and jumped on the bed with a perfect landing. Bucky walked in huffing.

"Sooooo, I win," I say smirking

"Yeah, yeah," he groaned falling on the bed. I rubbed his head.

"You did good," I smiled at him and he leaned into my touch.

"Damn that feels he good," he said

"Sometimes I seriously wonder if you're a cat sometimes," I laughed at him

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