"I guard with Stealth Beast, Moon Edge! (9000 > 24000)"

Stopped dead in my tracks, huh?

"Drive check! (Desert Gunner, Gaiban) Phoenix attacks Million Rat next! (8000)"

"Million Rat can go."

"Turn end."

Hand: 6
Damage: 2

Hand: 8
Damage: 1

"Stand and draw."

Mikazuchi-sensei paused and looked at me after glancing at his hand.

"Takanori-san. Why did you choose GEN Academy?"

"The answer should be obvious."

"C'mon, it's meant to make you think. I want you to self-reflect a little."

"Because I received an invitation. This school is regarded as Japan's best. Why wouldn't I want to come here?"

"What a boring response."

"It suits me."

"Forget a surface level response like that. I want you to think of the real reason why you chose this school over all the others."

The answer in my head was simple. Freedom.

But the words I spoke were different.

"I don't know."

"Since you're lost... let me make you an offer." Mikazuchi-sensei took off his glasses, and placed them on the table. "Last year, I had a student come to me in order to fulfil his dreams. I accepted his application and became his mentor. With my guidance, that former student had become someone incredible. Not only has he become King for his school, he and his team has gone all the way to the top and even conquered Nationals!"

Mikazuchi-sensei pointed at me.

"In you, Takanori-san, I see that same unlimited potential to go even further than who you are right now. My offer is simple. Let me be your mentor when you've enrolled in GEN Academy."

I raised a brow.

Mikazuchi Ryuzaki-sensei is an undoubtedly brilliant man. He's the founder and owner of Ryuzaki & Co., one of the most prominent companies in the world, and is also the most richest person in the world to boot. I had no doubt in my mind that this genius had the ability to create that insane growth for someone.

He's a real famous fellow. Despite his fame and fortune, he's incredibly flippant. He does things on whims and uses a lot of crude humour. However, this fight showed me a more serious side of him. This entrance exam was important, but I'd still imagine he'd have his flair. Regardless, his words were smooth and persuasive. I expected nothing less.

It still bothers me. Why is a man like him is doing here, being a teacher in a high school? Surely there are better options in life, right? Isn't he preoccupied with his own company? Plus, his generosity to strangers is unnerving. Someone as plain as me, getting a life-changing offer like that straight from the source, without having to apply for an internship... anyone would kill for this chance, yet I felt nothing twinge in my heart.

Any palpable excitement I had over this was washed away by one key fact.

Mikazuchi Ryuzaki-sensei knows who he is.

It's not a far stretch to say he set Mikazuchi-sensei up to this.

What a coward. Because you couldn't ever reach out to my heart, you're using someone else as an intermediary. You're absolutely pathetic. The world would be a better place without you. Just die already.

Cardfight!! Vanguard: Generations Volume 1 [Yuuto Birth]Where stories live. Discover now