Chapter 7: Lost. Found. Gone.

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It had completely slipped my mind that Katherine was here. I was having so much fun with Jeremy that I forgot.

As soon a Jeremy was out of sight, Elena screamed and more blood pooled on her arm.

No longer able to stand the blood, I turned my back to Elena. I walked over to the side of the house where no one was.

Jeremy came back down to Elena and he told Bonnie to continue to do whatever she needs to stop Elena's pain.

"Hey. What's wrong?" Jeremy asked me walking in front of me.

"Nothing it's just's a lot of blood." I responded.

"Oh are you thirsty?"

"Yeah....just a bit." I said and turned my head. I could still smell Elena's blood and I didn't want Jeremy to get weirded out by the veins under my red eyes.

"Hey," he said and turned my face to his, "it's okay. It's in your nature. It's just who you are. You don't have to be ashamed of it."

I was speechless. Was this human really saying that he wasn't scared of me?

I looked into Jeremey's eyes and I could just feel the veins still on my face.

"Beautiful." He said and lightly ran his thumb over the veins.

We both leaned in until our lips were touching. It wasn't a hungry or a hard kiss, it was a soft and delicate one. It was so soft it felt as though he was trying his best not to break me because I was so fragile.

No one has ever touched me like that before.

"Um....Jer, I'm gonna go back home. It's getting late." Elena said interrupting our moment.

As soon as we heard Elena's voice, we separated from each other.

"Oh. Yeah of course. You know what, Lucinda why don't you take Elena home for me." He asked me.

"Sure. I don't see why not." I replied. "Let's go."

Elena and I walked side by side to her car. We walked in silence but it wasn't a comfortable silence, it was an awkward one.

We were almost to her car when I heard someone behind me. Just as I was about to turn around to see who it was, someone stuck something sharp in my arm and everything went black.


I woke up facing the back of a couch. I hear someone screaming and saying what sounded like Trevor, and two sets of footsteps.

I groan and sat up both footsteps stopped.

I look up and see a very handsome man holding onto Elena's arm, a woman with short brown hair, and a decapitated body in front of me.

The man holding Elena was wearing a nice suit and his hair was perfect and in place.

I looked up and there was a look of pure shock on his face.

"Who are you? He asked me in bewilderment.

"I'm the person who is supposed to get her safely back home. Who the hell are you?" I snapped back.

"I'm Elijah Mikealson of the original family. And I'm sorry to say but Elena will not be going home anytime soon." He said and sped over to me. "And neither are you."

He vampire sped over to me then....

Everything went dark.



Damon Stefan and I were all hiding on the staircase in the front of the house.

Lucy and Elena were missing for three days until I was able to find them. With no help form that 'oh so powerful' Bennett witch.

We heard two sets of footsteps coming from the right side of the hallway.

A few seconds later, a man with a suit and really nice hair emerged from the door on the right.

In his left hand he had Elena's arm, but over his right shoulder, he had my daughter.

When I saw her, I immediately got out of my hiding spot.

"Hey! Give me back my daughter!" I yelled from the stairs.

He stopped.

"It can't be." He whispered. He turned around.

"Jasmina?" He asked.

"I don't know who the fuck you are neither do I know how the hell you know my name. But if you know what is good for you, you will release Elena and GIVE ME BACK MY DAUGHTER!" I shouted.

He gently laid Lucinda on the ground. Damon sped to her and took her back to his hiding spot.

"I am sorry about your daughter, but I cannot give Elena back."

"Well then, I guess we will just have to take her then. Won't we?" I said.

He looked at me with awe. As if I was someone who he cared for but hasn't seen in a long time.

He let go of Elena and took a step towards me. Stefan took that opportunity to get Elena. Once he got Elena I sped back to where Damon and Lucinda were.

She wasn't awake yet.

"Come on Lucinda, hand her over. You do not want to get on my bad side." The man said.

How does he know my name?

I don't know. But he sounds oddly familiar.

If you say so. I can't tell.

He started walking up the stairs. Damon ran to the top of the stairs. He threw a vervain bomb in his face then ran away.

While he was distracted, Stefan ran down the stairs and off to the side.

The man groaned then started walking upstairs.

"Over here." Stefan said

Damon then broke a wooden coat hanger in half and waited.

The guy ran to Stefan, but before he could reach him, Stefan ran to the front door.

The guy in the suit was too fast and reached Stefan. Damon chose this time to get ready to stab the man in the heart.

He started charging at him when I was knocked out of my body. I was still alive but I just wasn't in control of my body.

"Wait!" I heard my voice say, and I felt my legs move.

I gasped, coming back in control of my body. Only to look down and realize that there was wood plunged into my heart.

No this can't be happening. I can't just leave Lucinda like this.

"Lucinda." I said in my last breath.


I bet you guys didn't expect that to happen. Anyway thank you guys for being patient with me. School is getting hectic and I don't have a lot of time to write.

10,000 reads. I can't believe that this story ha 10,000 reads. (I must be doing something right). Thank you guys for reading and keeping up with the story even though I'm slow at updating.







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