Chapter 22

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Josh pov
How am I gonna live without her? With her gone I don't know what I'll do. "Mr. Hutcherson?" A doctor asks me. "Yes," I say. "Your wife is a strong fighter. You may go see her. She's asleep and should wake up soon," he tells me. "Oh thank goodness," I sag with relief. "Thank you doctor," I say. He nods nod I pick Alice up. "What about our son?" I ask him. "He's doing just fine. He's in the nursery and will be brought in when your wife wakes," he explains I nod and walk to Heathers room. I open the door and Alice starts to wiggle in my arms. "Shhh mommy is asleep," I tell her. "Okay daddy," she whispers. I set her down and sit in a chair next to Heather Grace. I grab her hand. I look over her body. An oxygen line in her nose. IVs in her hands and elbows. She's sleeping peacefully. A serene sleep. She probably hasn't had a good sleep in a long time. It's been four months since she was taken from me. Two and a half since Alice was taken again. Now I have the both of them back. And I will never let them out of my sight.

Heather Grace starts to mumble. She's waking up finally. "Josh," she mumbles. "What is it baby?" I ask her. "Joseph, he's gonna suffocate," she tells me. "Heather Grace Joseph is fine. He's not gonna suffocate," I tell her. Her eyes open. "Where am I?" She asks. "The hospital," I tell her. "And Joseph is in the nursery." She closes her eyes tightly. "I hurt," she says. I immediately feel it. The pain she feels. "I know you do baby," I whisper. I kiss her gently. "Mommy it'll be okay," Alice tells her. She opens her eyes and smiles. "Alice you're okay," she almost cries. "I love you both so much. I'm so glad you found us Josh," she tells me. I wipe the tears falling down her cheeks. "I could never lose you. I love you more than you will ever know," I tell her. She smiles and mouths that she loves me too. We are one perfect family. A little while later Joseph is brought in and we all feel happy again. "Our baby boy," she smiles at him. "You look just like daddy." "He's perfect," I whisper. "Me and daddy love you," she whispers. "Mommy I wanna see him!" Alice exclaims. I set her on the bed and she stares at him. "He's adorable and tiny," she giggles. "He's a baby Alice. You were a baby once. As small as Joseph," I explain to her. "I love my baby brother," she says. Heather Grace has tears in her eyes. I smile and kiss her cheek. She hands me Joseph and I walk around the hospital room with him in my arms. "I love you, my precious son," I whisper to him. He moves his tiny baby hands. From his tiny baby fingers to his tiny baby toes he is adorable. Perfect in every way. "Josh, he needs to go back to the nursery," Heather Grace tells me. "Awe," I frown. "Don't worry he'll be back first thing tomorrow morning," the nurse tells me. I kiss his forehead and so does Heather Grace and I hand Joseph to the nurse.

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