Chapter 3

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"It was six months ago, I was headed home from a party at Nicks house," I start. "I carry this night with me forever. I always will. I left, a little drunk but not too bad. I was making the walk home when Carter stopped and asked if I needed a ride home." Carter is the star of the football team. "I said sure why not. Little did I know what he wanted to do. I climbed in his car and he drove until he stopped somewhere. He got me in the back of his car. I sobered up enough to figure out what he was doing and started screaming." I feel the tears in my eyes fall down my cheeks. "It hurt so much and I couldn't get him off me. He covered my mouth and said if I didn't stop he would kill me. I sobbed and sobbed begging him to stop but he didn't care." I see Josh's facial expression change multiple times. "When he finished he told me to get out of his car and left me bleeding and crying in the middle of no where. When I finally could walk home my parents weren't shocked and didn't believe I was raped. Soon after I found out I was pregnant with Alice. Soon after that I moved out and here I am. Sitting in an apartment six months pregnant and alone."

Josh just sits and looks at me. He opens his mouth to speak but closes it again. We've been sitting here for an hour as I tell him my story. He turned his phone on silent a long time ago.

"That's what I thought," I say. I stand up and go to walk to my room. "You know where the door is. You can leave," I tell him. I walk in my room and close the door. I lay on my bed and rub my belly.

I hear my door open and Josh speaks, "Heather Grace," he whispers. "I don't expect you to listen to me. Or let alone even hear what I'm saying or about to say."

"What?" I sniffle. I wipe my eyes with the back of my hand.

I feel my bed dip behind me and Josh wraps his arms around me and pulls me to him. I stiffen, "I'm not going to hurt you," he whispers.

"Please let me go," I start to sob even harder.

"Okay," he says. He let's me go and walks around to the other side of my bed to look at me. He sits again and smooths my hair out of my face. "Heather Grace, I like you. And hearing what Carter did to you makes me wonder what other lies him and all his friends have said. I just want to know if you're okay," he says.

"No I'm not," I say quietly.

"And why is that Heather Grace?"

"Look at me, I'm 18 and six months pregnant. I was raped and no one cares. I "asked" for it. I didn't ask for this. Or to be raped. I just wanted to have a normal life. But instead I'm here. I can't bear to be touched. It all feels like that night. I'll never be okay."

"You will one day, we have a week left of school. I'll come over and help you get ready for Alice's arrival. I really like you Heather Grace, no matter what happened in the past."

"You mean that?" I ask him.

He smooths my hair out of my face and wipes a year from my cheek. "With every ounce of my being," he replies. "Here's my number in case you ever need me."

He turns to leave my room and I stop him. "Josh, thank you," I tell him.

He smiles, "it's not a problem." He kisses my cheek then walks out of my room.

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