"I haven't told him yet," Damien admitted.

"Gabe's going to freak out," Stefan stated, "According to that, he basically gets no say in the matter."

"That's not fair to him," Selena told Damien, "Isn't there anything we can do?"

"How do we even know this contract is real?" I asked.

"I had Malcolm examine it and it's authentic," Damien assured us, "That's really Tată's signature."

"How could he do this to Gabe?" Sorina asked.

"I don't know Rina," Damien replied.

"When are you going to call him?" I asked.

"I don't know," Damien admitted, "Part of me wants to find a loophole and then tell him, at least he'll have a way out if he wants it."

"Damien, he's your brother," Selena told him, "You owe it to Gabe to tell him the truth."

"I know," Damien sighed as he rubbed his temples.

"I still can't believe Tată would agree to this," Sorina stated, "It goes against everything he and Mamă used to tell us about finding our soul mates."

"He must have had his reasons," Stefan reasoned.

"I know, but Gabe doesn't deserve this," Sorina replied. We all knew how close Gabriel and Sorina were. She knew better than any of us what Gabriel's reaction to this would be. "When we were at the safe house, he told me that he was questioning if his soul mate was even out there," Sorina admitted.

That piece of information hit the rest of us like a ton of bricks. We had no idea that Gabriel felt that way. We had all been so consumed by own our relationships that we'd neglected our brother in the process. He was lonely and desperately wanted his soul mate. This news was going to destroy him.

"God, he's going to be crushed," I gasped.

"That's it, I'm calling him," Damien stated.

Damien pressed some buttons on his phone and held it up to his ear.


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I sat at the desk in my room, sipping on red wine and reading the history of the faeries.

One night, Lysander was walking in the city, when he came across a young woman. She had been brutally attacked and left to die in the streets. There was another woman with her and she was crying over her dying companion.

Heart of Radiance | Eternal Bonds: Book 3 Where stories live. Discover now