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THE DRIVE TO THE HOSPITAL WAS A BLUR. All that Daphne could think of was how Dawn had laid on the cold floor, blood coming out of her mouth and her wounds soaking in the ground around her. It was an image the redhead never wanted to have seen, an image she wanted to forget, to close it in the darkest point of her mind never letting it out again.

But if she was honest, the image of Dawn laying in the hospital bed, a tube around her mouth so she could breathe, was maybe even worse.

"What the hell happened?"

Her question was directed towards Dick Grayson, who stood beside the redhead, eyes watching through the glass that showed Dawn in a coma and Hank beside her slumbered in his chair. His pained expression broke Daphne's heart and she swallowed down the lump in her throat. But Dick didn't answer, he seemed lost in his thoughts while he watched the two through the glass, hoping that it was just a nightmare and not the hard reality.

Finally, Hank looked up, gaze falling onto the redhead and the male beside her before he stood up. His face was stern, eyes glassy and red of the tears he had shed just like Daphne had done. "Hank I'm so sorry I-," Dick started immediately but was cut off almost harshly.

"Who were those people? And what the hell they want from Rachel?"

It took Daphne a second to realize that the young girl from her nightmare was Rachel that Hank now talked about. She knew he had a point; why should four strangers kidnap a little girl with violet hair? "I don't know, that's what I wanted to find out," Grayson finally answered, gaze slipping towards the redhead for just a second before he looked into the room at Dawn. "Take care of her."

Hank clenched his jaw, eyes getting teary again. "I'm gonna find her," Dick added with a serious tone and Daphne didn't know if he was even aware of the weight of that promise.

With pursed lips she watched as Hank just walked into the room, sitting down beside his true love again and a short silence grew between Dick and Daphne. Grayson just nodded to himself, ready to walk out of the hospital but a voice stopped him. "I'm going with you," the words left her mouth way to quickly, even the redhead was a little surprised, but deep down she knew that it was the right choice. Something inside her told her to.

Raising his eyebrows Dick turned to her, confusion written all over his face. "What they do," he started carefully, not meeting her gaze at first. "What I do, it would be better to stay away."

A huff escaped her and this time, it was Daphne who wouldn't meet his eyes now. "I know what they do and to be honest I'm not surprised that you do something, let's say familiar," she told him with a soft tone, knowing the weight they had on their shoulders. Now he looked at her, she could feel his eyes staring at her before she slowly met his gaze.

"They are going pay for this," Daphne began again, this time more serious than before, eyes losing their warmth for a second. "I'll make sure of that," she added just a minute before she slipped through the door. The redhead already hated the sounds the machines made as she stepped next to the chair were Hank was sitting. Dawn seemed almost peaceful if it weren't for the tube inside her mouth helping her breath, while her white hair was tied perfectly into an easy braid. It wasn't that red or dirty as before, but a few strains of her blood in the white was visible like they wanted to remember everyone else about what happened.

 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 𝐎𝐍 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 • DICK GRAYSON •Where stories live. Discover now