Ch. 15: I Don't Have A Choice

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"WHAT!? What did I do that makes you want to kill me!?" Endeavor asks.

" Oh... Let's see... When Shoto and I were ten... How the day when I ran off... How you hit me and called me names... Then when I come back... You say that you're sorry... When really you aren't... I forgave you anyway... You wanna know why... Because I'm a good daughter... You said you'd never beat me again... No matter what... Well guess what... You lied to me! After you found out a was dating someone... Let alone a villain... You burned have of my fucking face! Then the day you became 15th hero instead of 2nd... you talked to Shoto like a civilized person! But when I come home... You beat me up! you made sure I could hardly move! you called me names! After you were finished abusing me... I had bruises, blood, cuts, and burns all over my body! you told me to get up! you expected me to get up after an injury like that! I blocked my door... and went to talk to mother... I've had enough of your shit! I told her what you did to me... She said that she'd support me no matter what side I chose! But guess what!? Me and Shoto never had a choice! You never gave us one! When I went to the League... I talked to All for one... He... They support me more than you ever did! Sure they're villains... But they're all more loving and caring than you will ever be! The League is like my real family! You know what I think about what you've done? I think that the things you've put me through... Would be considered... Oh I don't know... Villainous... Maybe you would've made a better villain than a hero... But you chose to protect others... How can you fucking do that when you abuse your own children! It's not only me who's been put through enough... Sure I've been through a lot worse than Shoto... But when we were ten... The day after I got home from running away... Shoto's face got burned by mother... But it's not her fault... It's yours. You're the one who drove her crazy in the first place! Maybe... Just maybe if she never married you... We wouldn't be in this fucking mess... Maybe... She'd be better off having to take care of both me and Shoto without you... You've failed at being a supportive parent... You've failed at being a supportive husband... And most importantly... You've failed at being a hero... To anyone... All of your greatest moments... Will die with you... Whether it's by me killing you... Or by natural means... No one will remember you... But... If they do... It won't be in a good way... They'll remember you as a monster... An abuser to his own family... A terrible hero... A terrible friend... A nobody... Someone that used to exist... But through time... You'll be forgotten... No one will remember you... Other than... Well... Me, Shoto, mother, other pro heroes... And those retarded enough to be a fan of you... Either way... You'll be viewed as a monster... No matter what... Nothing can change what you've done... You know what youve done to us... Everyone in this building knows... and Shoto, and both of us know... I'm not lying... Same goes with mother... She may not know everything that's happened since she was put in the hospital... But the proof is on us... There's no getting rid of it. So you don't have the right to ask what you've done..." I say.I

"I... I'm sorry... I guess I was so focused on becoming number one hero... That I forgot what I have now... I should be happy... I'm sorry... I understand if you and Shoto don't forgive me..." Endeavor says.

I go up to him and hug him.

"It's ok... Everyone deserves multiple chances... I forgive you... For real this time..." I say.

Shoto walks over to us.

When Endeavor hugs back I start to smirk.

I secretly activate my water quirk and turn it to water and snow.

I pour it on him as his flames go out and I step back.

He sees me smirking.

"Do you really think that I'd forgive you that easily? I'm not a fucking retarded person. I'm never going to forgive you for anything... Let alone trust you... You're lucky I'm letting you live." I say.

I walk over to the League as they start to leave.

I hug them.

Before Dabi can leave I pull him arm.

He turns around and I kiss him.

I back away and say bye.

Soon the portal closes.

I walk over to the class as everyone just stares at me.

"Don't stare... It's rude." I say.

Everyone just continues to stare.

"Whatever." I say.

I go in the bus and wait for everyone else.

After a short while, everyone enters the bus.

Soon we pull up to the U.A. building.

Everyone gets off the bus.

I walk up to Aizawa-Sensei.

"Can we get dorms? I think it would be beneficial for us since we're training to be pros. We'd be closer to school so we'd have more time to do training and stuff like that." I ask.

He nods.

I walk to Shoto and sigh.

"I... Did I go too far?" I ask.

" No... Well... Maybe a little... I'm surprised by what you've done today... Never do it to me. " he asks.

I nod.

"If I'm pissed at something... Try to avoid me... And... Don't make me as pissed as Endeavor did... Or you might end up with that..." I say.

He nods.

We both go to the house and go to  bed without another word.

Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed this lil chappy. Until next time. Plus Ultra!

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