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(Pic above is what you look like but younger in this chappy. But thats what you look like in future chapters.

My name is Haruna Todoroki. My quirk is, water, fire, air, earth, and healing. My left eye is blue and my right eye is red. I am currently 10.

I hear mom and dad fighting again. I know that Dad will end up coming in my room and blaming me as to why they both fight. After he beats me and gives me a burn mark under my left eye I run out of the house with tears in my eyes. After a while I find myself in an alley.

"Hello there... Are you alright?" Asks a voice.

I look up to see a man in a mask mostly hiding himself.

I shake my head.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"All for one. You?" All for one asks.

"H-Haruna Todoroki..." I say.

"What's wrong? Why are you out here by yourself?" He asks.

"My father... Endeavor... He and my mom fight a lot... After he storms off away from my mom... He abuses me... He hits me and burns me... No matter what I do to try to get him to stop... So... I ran off... " I say.

"Come with me... I have a place you can go for a bit while you heal." He says.

" O-ok... " I say.

I stand up and follow him. I see a building. We go inside and i figure out that its a bar. I see a man made out of purple mist, and two boys and a girl my age. The girl has a school uniform on and has blonde hair in messy buns. One of the guys has light blue hair with hands all over his face. The other guy has black hair with a bunch of stiches on him.

"Everyone... This is Haruna Todoroki..." All for one says.

Everyone says hi.

The girl goes up to me and says.

"Hi! I'm Toga Himiko. You can just cal me Toga."

Then the guys introduce themselves.

"I'm Kirogiri. You can just call me Kiro or Kiri." The misty man says.

"I'm Tomura Shigaraki. You can call me Tomura or Tomu." The blue haired man says.

"I'm Tuyo Asato. Just call me Dabi." The guy with stiches says.

i nod to all of them.

"What are your guy's quirks?" I ask.

"Toga's is Transform, Mine is Warp, Tomura's is Decay, and Dabi's is Cremation." Kiro says.

"What's yours?" Toga asks.

"Um.. I actually have more than one... I have Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and Healing..." I say.

After a while I understand All for one's quirk. I check the time amd say.

"Thanks for having me... I should get home."

" Ok... Tomura... Give her the address. " All for one says.

Tomu nods. I'm handed a piece of paper with the address on it.

After saying bye to everyone i leave. Soon I find home.

I walk inside and I'm hugged by mother, Shoto, and father.

Father apologizes to me like he does every time. I know he's not sorry but I forgive him anyway. After dinner I go to my room and go to bed.

Hey guys! I'm back. This is my new story. I'm not having Dabi as todoroki because i just want Shoto and Haruna as only children and this is also a DabiXReader story and I'm not having siblings date each other. I hoped you liked the prologue. I'll update when I can. Also let's just say that Shoto received his burn mark a day after the time this chappy occurs. The person taking care of Endeavor, Shoto, and Haruna is Sakiko Akiyama and that Shoto, Haruna, and Endeavor call her Saki. Haruna has called her father Endeavor since Shoto got his scar. Until next time. Plus Ultra!

Friends With The Enemies (DabiXReader) (KatsukiXReader Later In Story)Where stories live. Discover now